Well..i dunno about making mods, but i do hope the following mods can be made for Skyrim
Mostly little things that make the world seem that much more alive. Please do bear with me, its quite a huge list here

Here are my top most wanted mods. I'd download them in a heartbeat

1) Spectacles (I believe this was made by Kafei) and also other NPCs in the world wearing them too
2) Mounted Horse Combat
3) Actual horse carriages that ferry you realtime from town to town (i remember there was a mod in oblivion that did this)
4) Of course beautiful hair from Ren, Kafei, Babe, Soya (Love your beautiful works) Lets hope we can have the chance to have real physics for them too.
5) Qarl Vampire Theme mods, or any cool vampire mods that make you behave like well, wat a typical vampire would do.
6) Pet Companion mods
7) Children in Skyrim. Hey if fallout 3 had it in the base game, i don't see why we can't have children in Skyrim. Definitely will make the world more realistic
8) Working binoculars (there was a brilliant mod in oblivion that does that using OBSE i think)
9) A mod that makes your character speak random phrases (i believe there was a mod in oblivion that does that too)
10) Real working ships and rowboats. Not only usable by me, but having ships that sail around the waters by NPCs will be very cool.
11) Delete Spell
12) More travellers and random wandering merchants on the roads of skyrim
13) nvde mods. (Im not pervert or anything, i just think its more realistic then having wearing permanent rags for underwear)
14) Dude wheres my horse/mount (this is so very useful)
15) Illuminated windows at night.
16) Weather sound effects indoors
17) Ambient Gregorian chants in temples. (A very nice mod in Oblivion that added so much atmosphere)
18) Change the default standing posture (if i remember correctly there was such a mod for oblivion. my character looked so much cooler posing when she was holding a staff compared to the default posture.)
19) Cooler looking Dark Brotherhood armor
20) More varieties of fauna in Skyrim. lets have more types of birds, more wild animals (deer, rabbits, elks, reindeers) roaming, underwater marine life
21) I dunno if there were any important lore characters in Skyrim, but there was a mod that made Mannimarco looked so much more fearsome then the vanilla one.
i can't believe they'd use such a generic looking Altmer to be Mannimarco. Well, if bethesda somehow messes up any of the lore characters in Skyrim, we have our modders to turn to

These are just for fun.
Dance Synchronizator for Skyrim

Actors in Charge for Skyrim