Mod Ideas for Skyrim

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:15 am

Since we now know that there will be a Construction Set for Skyrim, and since there seem to be no other topics regarding mod ideas, this might make for an interesting bit of conversation. It seems that Skyrim will not feature spellmaking, a near staple of the series to me. They seem to think that it would be too "spreadsheet" like and immersion breaking. That's fine, and we could sit around and whine all day (or pay for the inevitable 'Spellmaker's Tower' DLC).... or we could implement it ourselves.

What I plan to mod once I've finished one play through the game is a Spellmaking Kit. Since Skyrim is the land of the Nords, this kit would consist of wood and bone carved runes and templates. Essentially, the templates would be slabs of stone, wood or bone with holes cut out in them. Each empty slot on a template could hold specific shapes of runes, thus limiting the types of combinations you could create with that particular template. Templates and runes would be semi-rare loot all around the world. So say you have adventured a bit, and found a decent supply of each. You may have a wood template with a Destruction Rune shaped primary slot, and an Alteration secondary slot. You also happen to have wood runes for Fire and Burden, so you load them into their respective slots and create a spell that functions like Fire based spells normally would, but applies Burden as an on hit effect.

Obviously different rune materials would be incompatible. Depending on how difficult getting certain spells to cooperate would be, I could simply elect to not supply the character with templates featuring that combination.

Any thoughts? Other mod ideas?

And yes, I realize the game is a far bit out. Never too early to start thinking and doing the pre-work though.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:08 am

im going to make a mod based on 3 of bathorys albums :)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:23 am

It's too early. We don't know what's in or out, and most importantly, we don't know the capabilities of the CK yet. For example, I don't think you could do your idea in Oblivion, but I think you could do it with OBSE.
I'm not much of a mod *maker*, but the first thing I'd like to see is either eat/sleep/drink mods, or a rebalancing of the original system (because if FNV is anything to go by, it'll be way too light if it's there)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:19 am

im going to make a mod based on 3 of bathorys albums :)

I love those albums. I have Hammerheart, Blood on Ice, Nordland I and his debut.

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:55 pm

It's too early. We don't know what's in or out, and most importantly, we don't know the capabilities of the CK yet. For example, I don't think you could do your idea in Oblivion, but I think you could do it with OBSE.
I'm not much of a mod *maker*, but the first thing I'd like to see is either eat/sleep/drink mods, or a rebalancing of the original system (because if FNV is anything to go by, it'll be way too light if it's there)

Anything is do-able... just depends how much work you're willing to do.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:30 am

I just want Onra to port the tamriel heightmaps to Skyrim.

Also at MERP we will be decided whether or not to switch to the Creation Engine
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:02 am

Quad-wielding. just cause dual-wielding isn't enough.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:50 pm

Anything is do-able... just depends how much work you're willing to do.

Well, sure, if you want to manually define every possible combination and do the scripting necessary to figure out the combinations, it is. But that's a *lot* of work, and not easily extensible.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:54 am

I think it would be interesting to import the whole Cyrodill in Skyrim.
All of the cells with items,quests and stuff,and make it so someone can travel from Skyrim to Cyrodill! :P
But that would need too much work.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:30 pm

Modders doing their thang is the reason other modders came along and said "Yeah, we can build it" and that is the reason we now have "Nehrim" which is the greatest mod ever built. So I'm all for the modders getting their groove on early. Because as far as I'm concerned, Nehrim blows vanilla Oblivion out of the water and is a lot more fun and interesting, but it's power lies in the fact that it is predicated on the 1000's of mods that came out that -- each one-- contributed to rebuilding Oblivion from the ground up (faster, stronger) just like the $6 Million Dollar Man.

So that said, even though this time around I truly believe Bethesda is doing a lot more to make the game ready for release with a lot more things done right from the get go, I am still just as excited for 1-2 years after it's release when the next team-made Mod comes out in the same vein as Nehrim, blowing away Bethesda's own contribution with yet another awesome team effort.

Until then, "Goooooo Modders!"

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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:20 am

It's too early. We don't know what's in or out, and most importantly, we don't know the capabilities of the CK yet. For example, I don't think you could do your idea in Oblivion, but I think you could do it with OBSE.
I'm not much of a mod *maker*, but the first thing I'd like to see is either eat/sleep/drink mods, or a rebalancing of the original system (because if FNV is anything to go by, it'll be way too light if it's there)

It is never too early to start thinking about mod ideas, perhaps a bit too early to be thinking about gameplay mods but there are some great ideas being thrown around regardless. I remember a while ago somebody put forward an interesting suggestion where people from the forums could collaborate and submit their own short stories and ideas for books to be made into mod that expands the literature contained in Skyrim, I wonder what became of that?

But if it isnt included in the vanilla version of Skyrim it would be nice to see a hardcoe/survival mode modded into the game that requires the player to hunt for food, sleep regularly and find warmth and shelter from the cold and various environmental hazzards. I myself have a few ideas I want to try as well, nothing too big just a few small quests and adventures and maybe an armour mesh or two.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:20 am

Well, sure, if you want to manually define every possible combination and do the scripting necessary to figure out the combinations, it is. But that's a *lot* of work, and not easily extensible.

Of course. Nothing spells dedication like hard coding 160-7000 combinations.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:51 am

I'd like to see a realistic "Freezing Temperatures" mod with several levels of hard-core for various playing-styles from low-core to hard-core where the Mod tracks your temperature based on a number of factors including size, weight, clothing heat-holding value, racial preferences (strengths or weaknesses to the cold), and any spells you might have engaged to help you such as "warming" potions like brandy, or if you just want to use a burning hands spell to try and keep warm, although that should all be left sort of under-powered on purpose so the player has to find all sorts of interesting ways to keep warm or face a series of increasingly dangerous cold-weather affects such as stat drops, numbness, frostbite, paralysis and finally death.

Some of the ways to avoid this fate might be to steal heat from wandering monsters. You could (if you're a spellcaster) put them to sleep and curl up against them for a few moments to add some degrees back to yourself, a dangerous undertaking but not for a true survivor, hahaha. If you have no magic, like a true warrior of the North, you could just flay open a large bear and curl up inside its entrails (aka Hoth-style in Stars Wars 2) ....

In towns you could stand around the smoking fire barrel and swap gossip about current events in the game world. An Aside: ( In the previous game, Oblivion, the problem with gossip was that it was always 1-sided, AT you. But what if you could gather the gossip and bring it along with you, and be the one to GIVE it out, and judge the reactions? You tell about the latest dragon invasion in the town you just went to and watch as several of those sharing your barrel suddenly exclaim "Uh, well, I think my wife is calling me, I need to go and see if she's okay...." and run off in terror. That kind of gossip system could be a lot more fun than previously done).

If you are in town and don't wish to use the barrel, you could always rent a room with a tub in it, the "special room" and take a hot bath to get your core temp back up. There could be an option for advlts "with the wash girl" or not, depending on your play style.

There could be dozens of heat-tools you could buy and recharge like "heat stones" that you can wear when you leave town that can help you buy 3-4 hours of extra heat but eventually lose their magic or just lose their heat (if baked), and you can get a re-charge in any town for a price.

This could serve to make the cold its own enemy to survival and increase the challenge and realism of life in the colder Northern region. And give tons of ordinary objects a new value all their own, such as torches not just adding light but heat to your character when using one. It would a lot of fun, in my opinion!
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:30 pm

Modders doing their thang is the reason other modders came along and said "Yeah, we can build it" and that is the reason we now have "Nehrim" which is the greatest mod ever built. So I'm all for the modders getting their groove on early. Because as far as I'm concerned, Nehrim blows vanilla Oblivion out of the water and is a lot more fun and interesting...

Yeah. I'll form a team of modders and we'll make the best Total Conversion for Skyrim! Who's with me?
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:17 am

I would like to see a Red Dead Riekling mod.No story just herd Guar all over Skyrim.It may sound dumb but I really liked herding cows in RDR.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:09 am

Can you do Spears while you're at the Spellmaking too please? Seems obvious after the podcast that we aren't getting either...

You could have a lot of fun creating a whole perk tree for spears, and maybe allow them to be either one-handed OR two-handed, for uniqueness. Wield one with a shield for quick jabs and defensive styles of combat, or use it with both hands for strong attacks and thrusts, maybe with some leaping attacks thrown in for good measure. I really think Bethesda are missing a great opportunity here.

Really, who doesn't want to have a fight
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:27 am

I really hope that they will reintroduce piecemeal armour , if not I think one of the first things I will mod is eventually an armour that I like most for my char....
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:28 am

Skybliwind. You can travel to oblivion and morrowind...
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:52 am

Deep Companions, or atleast edit ones that seem to have more depth than others in the game

A self sufficient and sustaining fortress ala Helios Keep from Morrowind, either off the coast of Skyrim or in the western regions. the area last to be hit by Dragons per say. I want to see if its possible to let the world go to hell and watch as the situation gets worse and worse, as it should have been in Oblivion. since aspects like Cooking,Farming,Smithing,Woodcutting,Food storage/supply storage/economy is in game I aim to make the last bastion of survival reside in this Fortress mod, since we Obviously can't fight Dragons with just swords and not everyone has Dragon breath, I expect something in the form of Ballistae to be in game, and that will line the walls, then after the percieved threat of Dragons breaking everything Ill mod in a condition for them to attack the Keep IF they know about it. using Radiant Story I can set up missions like resource retrieval and or going out to collect survivors.

The keep will be vacant at first, I'd rather it built during game really, but after a time the player if they wish could begin to occupy the keep and get more followers to keep it sustained .
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:17 am

Morrowind transportation system.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:42 am

I have a ton of mod ideas that I've been keeping track of in a Word document. I don't want to spoil or hype any of them, because one specifically is really in-depth with what I believe to be a very intriguing story that I've been working on for several months.

I am planning on making Hircine's Great Hunt of the Fourth Era though. I'd make a bunch of custom monsters hidden around specific areas of Skyrim, and the player would have to track them and hunt them down, then kill them. Once all of them are dead, you qualify to participate in the Great Hunt and meet Hircine in his realm.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:05 am

Tops on my list are Either MIDAS Magic 2.0 (so we can craft spells again), or an equivalent.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:26 am

I hope editing the AI packages will allow more complex conditions and calculations.
I'll be no good at anything else. ^^

Since they're going to reduce the "spreadsheet" feeling, perhaps a plugin that publishes your inventory in Access every 10 minutes would be nice. j/k
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:23 pm

Let's get it started: Firearms. Similar to the Oblivion "Pistols!" mod with the improved version that replaced the textures with flintlock weaponry, just with a better animation set and depending on Marksman skill rather than as a magic item to discharge.

And an overcoat, like the Ranger Coat mod for Oblivion... hopefully that can be layered over armor.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:35 am

I'm curious to see where Smithing will take us. But, I would love a mod where collecting resources and jewels will allow us to construct armo and weapons.

I love the Midas Spell Mod becuase I felt this excitement when I found a resource that I could now use to creat a midas spell. Before this mod, it was like..oh yeah, a diamon... who =)
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