It's been quite a while, since I played a fresh bethesda games. Fallout 3 I think, when it came out and not starting to add mods untill long after all dlc were out and all official updates applied. I bought oblivion, new vegas and skyrim after all updates and with all the dlc, so there weren't any problems there.
There are quite a few mods allready for fo4 I find either interesting or near darn necessary, but now my question is... How will official patches, expansions and dlc affect mods?
Varying degrees from no effect to completely breaking mod until updated?
In which case I think I might want to hold off on it. :S
I don't know whether there are any official plans for updates, expansions and dlc and in that case the particulars of them, but are their mods that could be considered safe? Bethesda has no plans to go into that x part of the game again?
Thank you for any insights and thoughts...