So I've created just a little NPC addition, just one NPC. He is all configured and placed in the winking skeever, and it's saved as an esp file in my Skyrim Data folder. However, when I open up the game, I go to the winking skeever and he isn't there. So I double checked my data folder and it is still there. Ingame when I open up the mod menu, it displays the mod that I made along with other mods I have installed, but I guess it isn't 'activated' or something. Following this, I found out about LOOT, so I installed that to check my mod ordering, and it shows my esp file in the order too, but it doesn't have a green tick on in and the rest of my installed mods do.
I'm not sure if I'm missing anything obvious, or if I'm doing something wrong.. maybe it's because I have other mods installed? Any feedback would be appreciated