You got that right .. Hung, drawn and quartered I would say 
However it has developed a good outline of the new options that looks like it is actually going to get somewhere.
There have been such debates before, but they have not managed to do anything constructive besides argue.
Have a look at the latest proposal for change to the options which will be available to mod authors
As staff who knows the site from both admin side, and as a mod author, Zaldiir is doing a good job of collating it all into a logical set of choices periodically without it growing into a confusing and overbearing mess. It is preserving the old choices in among the new. And anything not selected will mean 'No users cannot do this' for that option
Robin has popped in hoping for a finalised proposal that he can hand to the site devs to implement ( not in the immediate future, but the intention is there )
So if you have any refinements to the proposal ( and please anyone reading this, studious refinements to improving the sites current selections not more rubbish arguments to open up the candy shop ), nows a good time, I think its pretty much there already.
No its more about clearing up some grey areas with the existing set of permissions, by offering better choices less susceptible to misinterpretation. For authors who are not legal beagles, and would like a good set of generic options to choose from.
And also to add a few choices that have never been covered, such as the Snuff Clause - Author thinks, worse case scenario I get hit by a bus, is the mod, and its ideas and / or assets, forever locked in these restrictions - How about we have an option which if chosen, will after a certain amount of time of inactivity, actually say to other users it becomes free to use by anyone for further development, or belongs to specified user hereafter.
That last point since Morrowind communities ( to my knowledge, probably before ) has always been accepted by the community as unless you can contact the author, his last wishes should be honoured forever more. Now there will not be any locked forever files unless the author actually chooses it to be that way with these options.
Of course there is the anarchical elements of the community attempting to reform everyones ideas so that anyone can grab anything from anytime in the past to do with as they will, but thats not on the agenda.
This is the biggest cause of people getting their feathers ruffled, but the proposal does keep moving forward which is promising and unusual.