Can you list some specific mods I should check out?
Yes, when I left Skyrim a half year ago after 700 hours and never even finishing the MQ I was running 70+ mods... I think a more Vanilla “canon” play-through might be a good reboot for me, so I am planning a character based on the trailers, basically a non-magic using Nord... Interesting NPCs is a good one, I should reload that... Immersive Weapons & Armor seemed a bit to much (overshadows vanilla game gear quite a bit)... I want to actually be excited about weapons like Dawnbreaker...
This mod, from what I’ve read would be the opposite of “vanilla”... maybe “chocolate” Skyrim? Just changes way to much for me to feel like I experienced classic Skyrim...
Thanks for the suggestions so far, please keep adding actual mods that wouldn’t take to much away from vanilla., like whats the best water mod out there right now? Texture mods that are not too resource dependant also would be helpful... and I’ll get Better Skill Books... really liked that mod...