Tenpenny Tower
Vault 74
Update of Vault 74 Casino have some pics of next upcoming update,
Pic 1:
Pic 2:
Pic 3:
Pic 4:
Pic 5:
Just a Update, Team Mods-R-Us has relz'd two mods today, Vault 74 Casino, in Megaton around the rightside of the Purification plant, its just a teaser, with some of the gambling stuff which is working. Also TenPenny Towers Casino, this one is a mini casino with updates coming. Please feel free to send us comments or suggestions , how we can make them better and what would look good in future updates, also we should be releasing a demo of RCCasino very soon!
Wanted to get these out so you people would'nt forget about us hahahaha, Can't thank the many people in these Forums enough!, for the countless and endless pipelines of info and help also. DragOntamer for his gaming tables and Kilza for his. and Interfer0 for the slots. Also Skykappa for tweaking the tables and slots, also for adding true collision to all of the tables along with creating one of the textures for the tables, also getting the table paths just fixed, Without Skykappa's help we still would be working on the tables more then likely hahaha!
The upcoming update on TenPenny Towers Casino will have a bartender and the TenPenny residents will be moving back and forth in and out of the Casino. Also possible quests! send ideas!
Again thxs and Please send us your comments or post them here!
Tables file path is corrected the fix is in with the mod folders
Team Mods-R-Us
CJ, Team Leader