In the Enchanted Editor manual, there's this fascinating section (my highlighting):
Reduce a 5MB Save Game File to 1MB (FPS increase and kills most "doubling"")
By Farren
Originally redistributed by Argent (thanks!)
This technique has some quirks like resurrecting all dead characters but does not break quests or change characters attitudes to you etc. The vast majority of space taken in in your save is NPCC (characters you've stolen from, killed etc) and CELL (Cells you've altered) records, so...
1. Load the save game
2. Turn OFF safe editing (Edit/Editing Options/Safe Editing or just click the symbol like a roadsign on the toolbar till it warns you and the symbol turns bright yellow and red)
3. Click the check box next to the "Cells" node to mark all cells.
4. Click the "Cells" node (not the checkbox) to expand it and show all cells and scroll down till you see the cell or cells where you keep all your loot (your home, if you have one). Uncheck this cell in the check box or you lose your loot.
5. Click the check box next to "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" (NPCC) node to mark all altered NPCs.
6. CRITICAL: Click the "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" (NPCC) Node to expand the node and show all NPCC record. Scroll down to the "PlayerSaveGame" record and UNCHECK it. You don't want to delete this specific record or your save game will be ruined.
7. Press Delete. All CELL and NPCC entries apart from your home and the PlayerSaveGame will be deleted.
8. Save your game. I got a 5MB game (LOTS of mods and Neverine) down to 1MB like this. Everyone I knew still thought I was the bees knees and I could walk around Balmora without feeling like a crippled snail on downers afterwards (much better FPS).
By Farren
Originally redistributed by Argent (thanks!)
This technique has some quirks like resurrecting all dead characters but does not break quests or change characters attitudes to you etc. The vast majority of space taken in in your save is NPCC (characters you've stolen from, killed etc) and CELL (Cells you've altered) records, so...
1. Load the save game
2. Turn OFF safe editing (Edit/Editing Options/Safe Editing or just click the symbol like a roadsign on the toolbar till it warns you and the symbol turns bright yellow and red)
3. Click the check box next to the "Cells" node to mark all cells.
4. Click the "Cells" node (not the checkbox) to expand it and show all cells and scroll down till you see the cell or cells where you keep all your loot (your home, if you have one). Uncheck this cell in the check box or you lose your loot.
5. Click the check box next to "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" (NPCC) node to mark all altered NPCs.
6. CRITICAL: Click the "NPCs Altered/Killed by Player" (NPCC) Node to expand the node and show all NPCC record. Scroll down to the "PlayerSaveGame" record and UNCHECK it. You don't want to delete this specific record or your save game will be ruined.
7. Press Delete. All CELL and NPCC entries apart from your home and the PlayerSaveGame will be deleted.
8. Save your game. I got a 5MB game (LOTS of mods and Neverine) down to 1MB like this. Everyone I knew still thought I was the bees knees and I could walk around Balmora without feeling like a crippled snail on downers afterwards (much better FPS).
This made me think that there's the possibility for a VERY useful mod, that would have wider benefits than just the gameplay aspect.
The basic idea is this: after a certain amount of time has elapsed (2 weeks of game time?) have the NPC traders "forget" that you've stolen stuff from them. The rationale for the stealing code is that you shouldn't be able to steal and then sell stuff straight back to the vendor, but having such a long window would prevent that, since all but the most bloody-minded player would just find an alternate vendor to fence their goods to in the meantime, so there would be almost no practical difference in gameplay other than making traders "usable" again after a cooldown time. Given the newly restrictive changes on gameplay (enchanted item cooldown etc.) being forced on us by the latest MCP, this isn't such a bad rebalance.

It also avoids to a large extent the unreal nonsense that I sell a vendor a chunk of (say) muck I've just collected myself and they identify it as the EXACT same one I stole some game months ago when I was just starting out and testing out my sneak skills.

The major side benefit I alluded to above is that removing the list of stolen items from the trader after a set length of time will remove that list from the save games, getting the slim-down effect reported in the Enchanted Editor manual. In checking ownership in the console, the list doesn't just include traders, apparently. AFAICT anything you steal from an NPC (or from a chest owned by them??) is flagged and stays in the list, even if you kill that NPC or you wouldn't be able to sell it back to them anyway. How do I sell stuff back to "Great House Hlaalu" - there's no NPC by that name? So this list only gets longer and longer over time, bloating the save games with much totally unneeded information.
As I'm not a modder (yet!) I don't really know how feasible this is to implement. Off the top of my head, from what I've understood of the game mechanics so far, I wonder if a dummy item could be added to the "stolen from NPC 'X'" list that encodes the game date of the event somehow, or a global variable is set. Then a script somewhere that runs occasionally (the sleep script?) could check for all outdated references prior to the cutoff time and remove them from the game, effectively making the NPCs forget the theft and cleaning all future save games. The sleep script would be ideal since by default it involves a game autosave anyway, so cleaning just before that takes place would be perfect. I guess this might be something the MCP would be better at implementing though, since it likely involves reaching parts of the game mechanics normal scripting cannot reach.

If anyone is interested in brainstorming and possibly implementing this, I'd be very interested to see it. And I suspect the impact for everyone in terms of save game slimming would be a major result.