I am wondering, if there was a website, thread or anything where Morrowind Mods are being reviewed?
Not just a few sentences, but screenshots, pros - cons etc.
I like Planetelderscrolls and Tesnexus, but the comments there aren't real reviews.
You have to hunt a bit for reviews - most sites I've visited over the past that reviewed mods typically only reviewed a handful
However when I first started collecting I found these two sites invaluable
There are a few reviews on Galahuat's wiki - but generally each mod has a good description
Mythic Mods now contains http://www.mwmythicmods.com/Gluby/Gluby_Main.htm which while he says they are not reviews - he does slip in some opinions on what is best
Edit: Here's another http://www.morrowind-oblivion.com/reviews.php#tlh_ i recall that reviews some quest mods - some good suggestions for mod builders in the reviews
Like this:
I think you can probably get the jist of this game. It's mainly about a large set of scenery, a lot of custom armour and weapons, and very little plot. Maybe I'm being picky, but I do consider a good plot to be an integral part of the game. The 'fluff' is nice, don't get me wrong. The scenery, the weapons and the armour are all very well done. But, imagine this if you will, a large studio set, beautifully decorated with all the props and actors, but no script! The actors go about their business with no heed of you or the other actors around them. They have no lines, they have no purpose and there's no story to be told. It's just an empty shell.