Thanks for all the help. I'm now running the best version of the game I've ever played, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
FCOM + BC + TIE4MODS + TNR + Travelers + Kragenir's, Lost Spires, Ayleid Steps, Thieves Arsenal, Elsweyr, Windfall, Heart of the Dead, Verona Bloodlines, along with quite a few lovely graphic enhancers, the whole OBGEv2 suite (godrays, DoF, SSAO, edgeAA).
Everything is running nice and smooth, and after ironing out a few CTD issues last week, running quite stable.
However, I frequently find myself wondering: "oh, wow, this is cool content. i wonder what mod added this? or is it vanilla? should i go in this cave now, or is it part of a quest i'll go through later?" is there a way to look at something in-game and find out what mod it's connected to? TNR and TIE4MODS and Travelers, along with all the quests add so many NPCs, but I'm not sure who belongs to what.
I know it's a little immersion-breaking, but sometimes I'm just curious.
Any tool for this?