First off, Can we have a Freaking mod Forum now? thanks!
Secondly...let me get this out of the way.... about the leaks....
that one sign blew up almost all of the work I had been doing on sketching out a "where should the stuff in my mod go " an early version of that map is here
(this is a map that I had made a while back and has no spoilers related to fallout 4 on it, apart from trying to plan out roughly where I thought some things should go in the mod, and where I thought some things would be)
This is actually a good thing, because if I had never seen that sign and found out in game, well lets just say that that probably saved me about a week of re-working.....and some of my hair.
That said on with bits about the mod...
as for the name...
Bascialy my idea is a sub faction whos "Well intentioned" ideology that uses its "Goal" of improving the human race to justify the means of improveing the Human race, but far more accurately, their way of life.
Further reading:
Medical Nemesis:the Expropriation of health by Ivan Illich