My 10 Mod Start-from-scratch DiD Solution

Post » Wed May 08, 2013 4:51 am

Hi there. I'm sure a lot of you can appreciate and identify with my conundrum. Since Morrowind, it seems like I spend more time modding my game than actually playing - there are always MORE MODS to get and I just can't get settled into a game. This, coupled with my acute chronic restartitis, makes playing less enjoyable. I've never finished the MQ of Morrowind or Skyrim! My solution came to me this morning, and I have uninstalled Skyrim in preparation for a fresh start. I am going to chose 10 and only 10 mods and make all of my playthroughs DiD style (dead is dead). So I just wanted to pick you guys' brains before I get started:

1. Should I count texture mods in my list of 10? ( I don't use many but the aMidianborn stuff is essential to me).

2. Should SKSE count as a mod? (I vote no).

My preliminary list is as follows:


And just because I like to see what everyone considers to be their essential mods, what 10 would you choose?

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Post » Wed May 08, 2013 2:40 pm

I would not count the Unofficial Patches on my ten, as they are things which should not even be needed. I also would not include texture packs.

My ten would be as follows, in descending order (I can't play as anything but an Archer, so some of these are specific to that premise):

Climates of Tamriel
More Hotkeys Please
Character Creation Overhaul
Lock Overhaul
Player Re-Voiced
BFF Animal Companions
Trade and Barter

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Symone Velez
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