Hi there. I'm sure a lot of you can appreciate and identify with my conundrum. Since Morrowind, it seems like I spend more time modding my game than actually playing - there are always MORE MODS to get and I just can't get settled into a game. This, coupled with my acute chronic restartitis, makes playing less enjoyable. I've never finished the MQ of Morrowind or Skyrim! My solution came to me this morning, and I have uninstalled Skyrim in preparation for a fresh start. I am going to chose 10 and only 10 mods and make all of my playthroughs DiD style (dead is dead). So I just wanted to pick you guys' brains before I get started:
1. Should I count texture mods in my list of 10? ( I don't use many but the aMidianborn stuff is essential to me).
2. Should SKSE count as a mod? (I vote no).
My preliminary list is as follows:
And just because I like to see what everyone considers to be their essential mods, what 10 would you choose?