I'm curious where I (and people in general) can go to suggest mods to mod makers. The one mod that I want more than any is the Alternate Death from Skyrim. The biggest problem I have with open world games is that there is absolutely zero repercussions for dying. None, whatsoever. Just reload and try again. I love the whole, "dead is dead" playstyle that a lot of us hardcoe gamers do but I often find it a wee bit excessive, although I've played that way many, many times.
The best of both worlds is for an alternate to death. For those who don't know here's generally how it works and it would be absolutely perfect for Fallout, probably even more so than the Elder Scrolls.
When you "die" you never really die. But rather you're knocked out and essentially any number of possibilities can happen to you. The screen goes black and you are...
Left for dead, all of the possessions (including gold/caps) are gone. You might get lucky and they may have left something on you.
Or you're now a prisoner in a bandit camp.
If you're lucky a friendly traveler saw you and took you in to help you.
The possibilities are truly endless. And anyone looking for a hardcoe playstyle, this is a must-have. It makes dying meaningful. You carefully consider your options and have to choose your battles. It's how I love to play and I really hope that this mod finds its way into the game. Again, especially for Fallout, I'm sure this would have fantastic possibilities.