Mod Testing Help, Need Clean Saves

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 2:28 pm

Hey Guys,

I've been fighting myself about this post for a while because I'm not really sure if it's appropriate for this forum (my apologies if it isn't), but my Mod is reaching the latter stages of development, and I have no testers (besides myself and my brother.) Several parts of my MOD are supposed to change based on quest stages and player race (base game objects) and since my brother and I only play two Races generally, I need characters of varying races, Civil War Progress (and alignment), and main quest progress with which to test.

Like I said I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I was wondering if anyone would be willing to toss me some clean saves of their characters

along with the following information about the save to me via PM, I can give you my email then.

Is main quest completed? (Alduin Killed): Yes/No

Has this character completed the Civil War: Yes/No

If Yes to the above, what faction did the character fight for: Imperial/Stormcloak

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Mike Plumley
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 5:58 am

Clean save being "0" (zero) MODs loaded ?

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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:16 am

Yes... that is basically what I mean. A save that has never had a Mod Loaded on it.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:07 pm

It's OK to ask for something like this to test a mod with. However, it's not a good idea to post your email address on a public forum. I removed it for your safety. So, give out your email through PMs.

Also, check over at the Nexus, they have a ton of character saves, I think most of them are modless, and at various stages of the game. Perhaps there are some you could use.

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rolanda h
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:14 pm

Thanks, I appreciate that. Alright, well I guess that changes things to "PM me Please" : )

And I'll check on the nexus.

EDIT: Looked at the Nexus... it's good, but I really am going to new some more substantial saves. I'm going to need some that have completed main questline, and have differing Civil war Completion Statuses. In short: Still looking, I would appreciate any help with this that I can get.

Also, anyone willing to commit to being QA for my mod would be appreciated as well (as a sidenote)

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Guy Pearce
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