Mod that helps use one one-hander only

Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:42 pm

Recently I saw a mod that gave minor bonuses to block, damage, etc, if you only used a single one-hander, with nothing in your off-hand. It would make that weapon choice much more viable, without getting too OP. Of course, like a dummy, I didn't download it right then or even bookmark it. Now I can't find it. Anyone happen to have this located? My google-fu is weak.

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Post » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:02 pm

What you thing about this: Single Handed at Nexus. (

When you're only using one hand equip (sword, mace, spell, shield, etc) and have a free hand (or torch) you get the following buffs:

Melee +10% Damage
Weapon Speed + 15%
Pickpocket + 10%
Movement Speed + 15%
+5% Critical Chance
Increased Magic Power

Added perk to One Handed tree:

Swift Strikes (Requires armsman and 30 one handed)
Additional +10% attack speed and +5% critical chance while using only one hand.

With the perk you have +25% attack speed and +10% critical in total

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