Mod that makes recharging followers weapons less of a pain.

Post » Wed Mar 05, 2014 1:35 pm

In theory it'd be great to be a soul trap centric type character, and use soul gems to recharge the magicka of your followers, maybe they do damage with powerful staves as you recharge for them (pretty epic potential for team work there I think)... But here's the thing, each time you want to recharge a followers weapon in default Skyrim, you must take it out of their inventory, recharge it in your inventory, then put it back in their inventory, and if it requires frequent recharges, this can quickly become a massive pain that isn't any fun at all to micro manage.

Is there some type of mod to make recharging followers weapons less tedious, or is it just a hardcoded problem with Skyrim that can't be fixed with mods?

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maya papps
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