What I mean for example is that something I notice is that every NPC in the game appears to be a master at what they do. Nobody makes mistakes, i'll tell you what I mean.
You approach a ruin and you got 5 bandits, they tell you not to come any closer. But, since you are a total badass you go up anyways, and they rush you. Now, what if one of them happened to trip on a rock? Or maybe that archer hits himself in the face with his bow string. That guy with a steel warhammer has just a bit too much momentum in his swing and falls over. Their trained wolf slips and flips over himself. That mage catches his robe on fire.
I think you get the point. I think not only would such a mod be hilarious as long as the chances for these are so low that on the rare occasion it does happen you notice it. But, it would I feel add a bit to the immersion, not every npc is a seasoned warrior, some of them should svck at what they do. Not to the point that the enemy becomes useless, but every once in awhile they goof and it gives you just the bit of time you need for that final blow whilst laughing your butt off. You could have a bandit with say 0 body weight who is weilding a great sword, fall over upon trying to lift it over his head, for example, because it is too heavy for him.
The level of the enemy and the archetype, [bandit vs bandit marauder, novice fire mage vs master fire mage] could factor into the likelihood of a mistake. As well, the rarity could be fairly rare, say, 1 out of 25 bandits you come across critically fails at something. Also, not just bandits, but all hostile NPC factions could suffer fro this, as well as some guards even.
Such a mod would be awesome and add just a little bit of immersion I think.