a mod that replaces animals with bandits?! exists?

Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:14 am

hi guys.

i was wondering if there is a mod that replaces the spawns of wolves, bears, chaurus etc with other entities like bandits or daugr or something like that.

i thought that by now there will be a mod that allows replacing creatures in leveled lists with other creatures within an MCM menu but i dont assume there is such a thing,..

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Cagla Cali
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Post » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:00 am

I know mods exist that add bandits and what not to the game.

Why do you want to replace the animals? Concerns with Frame Rates or just don't want to kill them? If the latter, there are mods that make the wildlife passive, one even does a nice job as the more you bother them, the more likely they are to attack you, but otherwise leave you alone if you leave them alone.

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Jordyn Youngman
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