I just made a mod for OB to let me use the Imperial Palace armor into the game, by checking the "playable" box and renaming the IDs and just making new items alltogether. I changed the ID to zPalaceCuirass zPalaceBoots etc So, I go into my game, and type in additem zPalaceCuirass 1 And it says that's not an item....I even tried to add a glass battle axe by typing in additem WeapGlassBattleAxe 1 and it says that's not an item lol. Am I missing something?
I just made a mod for OB to let me use the Imperial Palace armor into the game, by checking the "playable" box and renaming the IDs and just making new items alltogether. I changed the ID to zPalaceCuirass zPalaceBoots etc So, I go into my game, and type in additem zPalaceCuirass 1 And it says that's not an item....I even tried to add a glass battle axe by typing in additem WeapGlassBattleAxe 1 and it says that's not an item lol. Am I missing something?
You can't use that name to give it to you in game. You have to use the reference ID (i think thats what it's called, the string of numbers right next to the name you typed in in the CS).
You have to use the FormID in the console. Look up the FormID in the CS, replace the first two digits with the load order of the mod, and use that number instead of the Editor ID.
You can't use that name to give it to you in game. You have to use the reference ID (i think thats what it's called, the string of numbers right next to the name you typed in in the CS).
I'm not seeing a string of numbers on the ID in the CS. The ID just says zPalaceCuirass, and the actual name of the item, which is Imperial Palace Cuirass.
You have to use the FormID in the console. Look up the FormID in the CS, replace the first two digits with the load order of the mod, and use that number instead of the Editor ID.
Ohhh. I see it now, after hovering my mouse over the item for a second. What do you mean replace the first two digits with the load order of the mod? I'm not sure what that means. The ID for the cuirass is 01000ED4.
Ohhh. I see it now, after hovering my mouse over the item for a second. What do you mean replace the first two digits with the load order of the mod? I'm not sure what that means. The ID for the cuirass is 01000ED4.
FormID, that's what its called.
Anyway, it means you have to switch the 01 with wherever it is in your load order. Meaning if it's the 5th mod in your order, you would change it to 05000ED4. If it was 43rd, you'd make it 43000ED4, and so on.
Anyway, it means you have to switch the 01 with wherever it is in your load order. Meaning if it's the 5th mod in your order, you would change it to 05000ED4. If it was 43rd, you'd make it 43000ED4, and so on.
Ah, I see. Thanks for the tips guys, I got it working. A mod can close this if need be.
Anyway, it means you have to switch the 01 with wherever it is in your load order. Meaning if it's the 5th mod in your order, you would change it to 05000ED4. If it was 43rd, you'd make it 43000ED4, and so on.
Problem already solved, but this bit is a bit wrong; the ID is a hexadecimal number. It means that for example 43 would be 2B. OBMM and Wrye Bash show the hexadecimal number, so just look for what they say.