That's right. Annie expends a once-a-day killsat shot on a legion raider camp simply for teh lulz.
NICE! Anything that kills those stupid little Boys playing "Big Bad Roman Soldier" is awesome in my book.
I hate the Legion with a passion if you haven't guessed.....I think on my current play through
I'll hook up Archimedes 2, and kill as much Legion as possible.
(Technically I already DO kill as much legion as possible, it's just seeing that big blast out of nowhere
and making crispy critters out of the legion that has me interested)
My current "Happy Fun Time" with the Legion, involves the mod "Deadlier Explosives NV" and the "Meltdown" Perk.
and WMX, so I can have a scope on a Laser Rifle.
I wait until the jerks are in a bunch, and target one from a distance, and watch the massive plasma ball that
tosses them all over the place then vaporizes some of them. Good Times...... :tops: