Fascinating! So the consensus seems to be that it stems from forum culture... convenience and privacy... I only pop into forums from time to time.
Webcartoonists, on the other hand, release their work off of their own websites and often make it their careers.
I'm not listed in the phonebook, as I do not have a phone. I'm accustomed to releasing my work off of my own website... not exactly thrilled with the idea of working hard on something only to hand it over to someone else so that they can earn ad revenues off my work. Even in webcomics, there are sites that will host your work and earn ad revenue off of it for themselves, but those sites are generally for those that don't know how to build their own website. The only time I ever had my work on someone else's system, it was through keenspot.com, and we had a contract in which I would get paid for my share of ad revenues. I don't need to be paid for my Morrowind work, but my webcartoonist perspective feels weird about someone else getting paid for it.
My mod isn't even done yet and I've had some people trying to boss me around and suggesting that they will "rate me down" or telling me that I'm "doing it wrong." But, most people have been very, very supportive and awesome. I've had to prepare myself for the irrational haters that are going to come out of the woodworks when I release Keening and someone disagrees with a plot point... I'm ready to just say, "Hey, this is my fan fiction, and you can play the thing or not play the thing. Have a nice day."
Anyways, I'll be crediting people however they want to be credited. Considering my background, I was surprised that no one on any of the read me files is credit like "Dana Darko / Superkitten." It's all just user names, universally. Like, 100% of the time. In a forum culture, where people will pick fights over nothing, it amazes me that there is agreement on this way of doing things. Once again, I'm the oddball that does it differently, lol.