I used to make games back in the late 80's for Commodore 64, under the name Zelf (Yes, I was 13 and my friends actually called me Zelfy), and I called my "Company" Zelffics. I actually found some downloads for my 1986 games in rom form on a chinese website. Blew my mind. Admittedly, if I wasn't thrilled about my real name, I'd be tempted to use a handle. I guess, in the end, I'm just like y'all, except that I went downtown and dropped the cash to change my name legally. Zelf, however, stayed in my childhood.

I'm going to take a wild guess and propose that anonymity might be part of why some people are more aggressive on the internet. It's easier for someone on edge named angryguar to get mad at someone named alienslof. Probably harder for Al Guarino to send death threats to Alison Slofburg (I know that's not her name LULZ). In my case, using my real name give ME the power. If angryguar006 gets mad at me because Voryn Dagoth in my time travel scene of Keening isn't what he's imagined, I just remind myself that angryguar006 exists only online, whereas I exist in real life. But, that's my survival technique. I respect how other people do things differently, and I respect their reasons. So far, I've had some people come out and tell me I'm doing something wrong, or have kind of a bossy front, but they really just want to help and are interested. I've had some people telling me to drop dependency on MCA, but they don't understand that building on that mod and its resources is the reason I even started my project. People are quick to judge, for sure. But in my case, they have to say it to my actual face.

Honestly, I think that some of the things I'm doing with my mod haven't been done yet simply because it's scary how people react to certain types of things. One of the quest givers is Indoril Nerevar, during the time of the First Council. Some people will be like, "Wow, that was so much fun to see one modder's possible interpretation of that era." Others will probably think I stepped on their mom's grave and spat on it. Hopefully my website and open identity will ease things over for some people who might misunderstand and react rashly to my work. In the end, it's like... play it if you like it, not if you don't.
I'll definitely revisit this topic if I get a death threat! I know my project will annoy some people, but that's just the nature of doing anything that builds on an existing work... All of us modders are George Lucas in some way.