1. Introduction
Dear Elderscrolls community,
Since I have some free time on my hands I decided to play with Nifscope and Photoshop a bit to create some more variations to the exsisting portals. It will be a modders resource so you will be able to use it in your modification should you desire this.
Please keep in mind that I'm not "a mr_siika" or anything, I can do some BASIC Photoshop work and some BASIC NifScope work and that's it, so don't expect too much from me in the Art department

2. Portals
My plan is to create multiple variations of the Peryite portal first and then have a look at more complex portals such as Oblivion gates.
3. Screenshots
I will update this thread with new screenshots as soon as I finish more portals!
Feel free to leave a comment, feedback or hints and tips!
If you're looking for more portals, have a look at DarkRider's Mage Portals modification: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums/index.php?showtopic=1045136