I know this topic is sure to appear misplaced on this forum, but i am really afraid allready of buying any product from this company because of modding.
As appears there are ever left alot loose ends for modders to add stuff to, and there are alot things that simplz fails when modding. So since i got no idea of programming Bethesda code i do not ever touch any mods.
It would be nice knowing wether a mod was made by somebody able or a idiot that did not recognice missing theme(crash) or simply being megalomaniac(destroys original gamefiles).
Playing Fallout 3 for example has taken me half as long the time playing as reinstalling the game plus mods.
Better at Fallout NV since those mods where better prepared and i knew what to look for and had some skills at the GEEK.
Commonly i put it simple by just adding Bethesda games into the folder unstable modding.
The problem i mean to note is that: Can there be a good game as these Fallout and the elder scrolls are with modding, that just don't need modding because they where complete allready?