Well I'm really sad I have a PS4 now.
Well I'm really sad I have a PS4 now.
some of us will wait, but there are those that rush out to pre-order like games aren't readily available on the day (not in 2008 anymore )
I feel it will be a mistake as a majority of console users are on PS4 right now
It's a small hope the PS4 will get them, I'll be salty if we don't!
Though the modding seems rife with problems I do think it's snide to make this exclusive to Xbox One, even if I don't care for mods myself.
Don't be too hasty at being sad.
E3 technically doesn't start until tomorrow. Monday is always Microsoft's showcase, and it was there that Todd talked about mods on the box. Naturally, he's not going to pump mods on the PS4 from a Microsoft stage but that doesn't mean that he won't show up at Sony's event as well to talk about mods for that platform.
Back when the new consoles came out it was stated by a lot of indie devs that Sony were easier to work with. However, since then apparently Microsoft have got a lot better. The PS4 is also technologically superior so I doubt it would be technical. I assume Todd Howard will announce the same thing at Sony's conference. If not then it will be the usual Bethesda shafting PS players.
By hand-picking mods, testing them, then putting them in a controlled environment (gamesas.net). This will results in a small fraction the amount of mods being available for consolers.
This isn't me being a part of the PC super race, but consoles won't be able to handle a large chunk of what's available, and not just from a horsepower view, but also from being able to deal with load orders, mod dependencies, script extenders, etc.
How Bethesda will make it monetarily feasible to review, test, and release mod for console users is beyond me.... if not paid mods, then maybe a subscription service or something. Not sure.
That's why regardless of the hype and how good the game looks, I've learned to wait for GOTY or Ultimate Edition bundles. In the meantime, I still have a backlog of last gen games to work through.
And I guarantee things like load order and mod dependencies will not come into play at all, because any mod offered on XBox will be very simple.
What you're going to see are some light texture mods, a handful of single quest mods, and maybe some character customization like hair and armor.
You won't see overhauls, DLC-sized quests/lands, hi-res textures, UI changes, realistic needs, map mods, AI behavior, perk mods, etc.
Makes me wonder if this is what Bethesda Net is going to be used for. Putting mods up there and cleaning them out because I just can't see a mod working on PC and could possibly nuke a console because too much memory.
Microsoft always announces features like they are exclusive to their platform and later we find out that they are not. I see no reason why the PS4 wouldn't have mods as well.
So ps4 users get screwed? I can't see this going over well.
Did Todd Howard come out during the Sony presentation and say mods would NOT be usable on the PS4?
Sony Conference hasn't happened yet, I doubt Beth would start a console war unless Microsoft offered them a good amount of $ to block the PS4.
Yeah this happens a lot for both consoles to be honest. They are never going to say oh yeah this works on our rival's console too.
The only reason why it wouldn't be put on the PS4 is maybe because they don't use Directx, but I'm not even sure that matters.
Yeah I usually do the same. Which is why I'm not getting Batman day one. And just brought the entire Mass Effect Trilogy. Oh well I'll stay with FNV for a year or two until the GOTY version is out.
And I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. Was hoping to happen for Skyrim myself but sounds good for Fallout 4 anyways. This is also sounds like will be going the same for other future games from Bethesda as well... So yes.
Console mods could be a timed exclusive deal similar to Skyrim DLC's when they first appeared. One of Microsoft's main tactics to move consoles is getting the jump on DLC's and exclusivity.
Transferred, does this imply we copy the mod from an pc to the xbox? result it that it will be any mod we want? Yes script extender will not work and too graphic demanding mods will generate lag but outside this its open.
This was true for PS3/ 360 not for current gen. Their main issue is an mediocre gpu who is not an issue unless the mod do a lot of grapic improvements.
I could have sworn that was his stance when Skyrim shipped, too - that the inability to mods consoles was much more a bottleneck on Microsoft's end, not Bethesda's.
I have a hard time believing Sony would be okay with mods for Doom but not Fallout. What sense does it make to allow it for one game but not the other game?