Just out of curiosity which interview was this?
Edit: in the MS conference
How will this work for heavy duty texture/gfx mods?
I feel they will filter what can be placed into XBL
Todd was on stage @ the Xbox presser.
A tad suprised tbh...
And now I am officially debating buying an Xbox instead of a PS4.
It was on the live E3 stream, during the Xbox media show.
So they're going to allow PC mods on consoles, but only on XBox One? PS4 players are SOL?
Yeah, that's gonna end well.
Not surprised - the Xbox 1 is closer to a PC than the Xbox 360, after all.
Deep frying the Xbox One
Edit I swear I wrote X.B.O.N.E Edit. 2 Why!!!??? is it cencoring it?
I only upload my mods to the Nexus, which obviously won't be available to console users. I can already see an extremely small library of mods for Xbox users.
About the same as a PC with similar graphics capabilities, I imagine.
Did Todd Howard specifically say they were exclusive to Xbox? I mean, he presented it at Microsoft's conference, but maybe he'll do the same for Sony?
That would svck if it were exclusive to Xbox. Curious has to how it will work as well in regards to where the mods will be coming from?
After what happen with Skyrim I doubt Bethseda really care about PS gamers.
It's impressive, but I wonder how they are going to be able to port mods to the Xbox One while guaranteeing safe gameplay? Console software isn't as readily manipulated as a Desktop should be.
If F4 doesn't have script extender functionality built in, then Xbox's library was already bound to be much smaller.
It's better than nothing and a step in the right direction for Microsoft.
I wonder how this will work out. Can't really be bothered to alter work for consoles or go through hoops to make it work on a lesser system. Did they say anything on the hardware side?
Can already see a mountain of potential problems. On X1 how is mod management going to be handled? What about load order which is quite crucial? Mod compatibility with each other? Merging leveled lists?