I don't know what direction this thread has taken... glancing through it makes me think it is becoming an argument between the virtue of modding or something of that sort. Just addressing the prompt (I didn't even read the OP) I would disagree. If you go back and play Skyrim on the consoles, there are many basic errors still present in the game that make playing it just non-functional (Atronach in the Alteration tree, Blizzard, some of the Heavy Armor perks). Tack on weird glitches that finally got fixed but remained unfixed for a damn long time (the Solitude back door glitch pops readily to mind) and I see a very revolutionary way that mods will impact the consoles. Maybe revolutionary is too strong a word, but being able to have access to the robust problem solving capabilities of a rabid modding community makes me hopeful that I will be able to experience a Bethesda game with next to no annoying glitches present, and that's not even touching small content boosts and other additions that will undoubtedly breath life into my play experience. Having all this delivered on a platform I'm already familiar with is a huge boon.
I understand that modding will thrive on the PC. I understand that console mods won't probably be as robust. I think it is incredibly foolish to say it won't be a game changer though. It will LITERALLY change the game ha ha.