"Any idea's" = Yes remove those mods and start fresh. just kidding =P
Get the stuff I post and if you cannot. You have to register in the Nexus to grab most the things there. Trust me. Its worth it. 2.5gb of crap later it says a lot lol ^_^
Get this list-
Personally I would use the more stable 917 version but its up to you. With this you also do not need Archive Invalidated program as that function is built into the FOMM.
Use ArchiveInvalidation with FOMM to make textures in your game work properly. Click it and set it once and don't worry about filles telling you about a txt with blah blah blah.....
For being able to enhance your game. But it itself doesn't change your game.
Get the greener grass and megaton lighting mod it mentions(in the description at the bottom, not the download area). Don't get the lamp post. This is dumb as hell (no offense...but it is) It adds lights on the posts....which is silly because they've been on for the past 200 years...wtf? lol
Martigens Mutant Mod
This adds a ton of creatures and even some new ones with new looks etc. I'll mention a "body replacer mod" but won't link it because they are nudie ones =)
Reason I mention it at all is the game makes more sense than tattooed under garments right? Besides, the ones I mention give you fixes for Martigens mod AND they also have fixes to have the DLC characters not look like crap.
Choose Malos or Exnems body replacers AND then go grab there respective fixes by typing in their names. for Exnems dlc's his are in the DLC armor pack....for what reason? I have no idea. But they were hidden there for who knows why. If you don't want to use the whole pack (for whatever reason) you can use something like 7z archiver to unzip/unpack the files you need from a BSA. Don't freak out. BSA is basically like a zip file; Archive file.
The textures you will want to to look for are, female ghouls/ martigens raiders/ pitt females/tribals. Again you can't ask here for naughty stuff but with that info your on your way.
Enhanced Blood
Arwens Tweaks
Basically gives your enemies and such a "brain". Game becomes harder but hey it also is great to be a bad ass by your own wits instead pansy assing around with god mode cheat stuff. ^_^
Darnified UI
Trust is a good thing. Trust me when I say your onscreen stuff will look better.
Real Injuries Patch
When you get into the modding thing and its easier for you. Try this stuff. Follow the instructions as per any mod and crap yourself at how realistic and Immersive this makes it feel. But it gets better. Look up the thread by DarkUncle for a DUI patch for Primary Needs so you can have that lovely stuff on your screen. COOL!
Ammo Weight
Don't use the medical and misc items wieeght as the Primary needs and patches will do that(to avoid game crashes heed my warning =P)
now get this if you grabbed ammo weight
That will (if using Darns UI) put your weight (after 2 second delay) onto your screen how much ammo weight in your encumbrance.
Optional for small improvements-
Texture replacers by both 4aces and NMC. Look up those 2 modders. They will make your jaw drop 0_0
DC Interiors
This gives you windows to look out of. Yep...exactly what I said, neat huh =)
Enhanced map
PS- It took me 20 minutes about to find and write up all that crap. Make sure you read the instructions and look in the comments and descriptions of each for help. THEN come here to ask about stuff. Enjoy the new light cast onto your game. DOWN WITH THE CONSOLE VERSIONS !! lol