What is missing in this video is a little warning about pre-CK mods. They should always be considered as experimantal if they are more then a texture replacer. I see a ton of destroyed gamesaves already because of eps's made with TESSnip and other not suited tools.
G.E.C.K. is for modding sake a bugengine and nothing more. Only thing it is good for is changing item stats and integration nodes.
Due to the nature of geeks BSA and other filetype integrations as well the internal refreshing structure it is a totally unsuitable modding environment.
In special about the quest frame and consequence of adding text for interaction.
This 'flaw' goes over to be available at queststages that rely on playerchoices etc.
A large package, a great demo, but nothing close for modding.
You should really prefer programming a language that youcan learn for example at school instead of gamesas G.E.C.K. code.
Not actually true. It's not about effeciency actually. Not known and decoded records can do a lot of harm to the game. Geck on the other side should know his records.
How many big quest mods have you made in FO3Edit or FNVEdit? I did in Geck.
I agree that the Geck is a tool that was used to make the game by the developers and the original documentation is... say at least ...horrible, it gets better when we moddevs had enough time to figure it out and avoid the pifalls that Bethesda devs surely know.
Geck script is minimalistic correct and yes sadly to many moddevs think everything can be solved with a script. That is nonsense. There is a reason why the quest framework, activators, lists, meshes with active components, ... exist in the game and you should use them all.
It's always great to learn real programming languages I agree. But not when you particulary want to mod Fallout 4 (which btw. is much more near to Skyrim from the modding viewpoint then Fallout 3/NV).
I think Fallout 4 is as promised a large step past the dada modding of the previous releases.
Only thing to hope would be that it will not resort in like at skyrim, that the game alone is sure some nice thing, lol kidding.
Takes some while getting the most basic mods for people that like the game, what reduce or eliminate innate flaws.
Else i mean, i never actually finished any mod interest, ever and only at fixing mods on my own PC. And i can't see any issue making me mod, there are so many allready and so much good stuff added, that i want no part on producing another wager, might work, bad standing for a public appearance.
Really, it was fun to party this row on games, but i am from Germany so first i could at least enjoy it basically i mean it BASIC, was after Steam added the download original version, and prior to Bethesda including Morrowind.
But those times are gone. So, good expectations here, not that i am confident enough to get one but it is at least in question, with steam or original package.
I think you care little for others troubles because it is nothing playing i know it is totally uninteresting telling all this to anybody when the mater is GECK and F$.
wheee---noot agaiin
how much holliday would i need making it work? just curious should i choose to buy.
How much time, workdays would it take getting a result that is at least standing a compare with the originals F1&2,BOS.?
I mean at least it is the game Fallout, not the entire scene copyrighted. Other Fallout games exist, that are not APOCALYPSE or something. I am still waiting on a followup version from FALLOUT THE GAME.
apocalypse sucj [censored] sho vile maybe better fitting the attrackted clients, ++ they find it easy
What? I...don't even...
Going out on limb here and just assuming you never actually did any modding with Beth's official tools.
What you described is exactly what you would get with an unofficial tool.
I think one basic lesson to be learned from this topic is don't ever base your opinion of the Creation Kit and modding on what you read here.
Such an amazing collection of incorrect information....
Stick to the Creation Kit (GECK) WIKI and YouTube Tutorials for your facts. Go forth and create something - amazing.
o tally true
a maze ng
deciphered not all that interesting anymore.
adding alot stuff is not making a good mod, but is an attempt to overhaul the game and make it into another one.
changing stuff and adding nodes so that there is more dimension on the game without destroying that is modding.
you might well think of adding another game without running into any problems and for that this is just the better graphics system you do, Play another game.
Modding by definition is way harder with those tools handed. It is sure good for geographical modding, but story etc. is/was extremely bad.
EDIT2 --
sorry, almost about betraying you with that former comment.
modding geographics works, but it is not the best tool around.
there is that mountains builder, that can make vast landscapes in a minute with full lighting and stuff.
there is a animator, that has you make a movie in about notime.
and there is that more common tool, that is developed by Turbine for D&D. any single noted is uperior to the GECK, while the two first may a bit of hard finding even they where freeware 2005 around and early.