So I started wondering, why does Oblivion have so many game-changing mods (OOO, MMM, "extras" like OBMM, OBSE, Wrye Bash, etc.) and Morrowind didn't? Or did it too? These are my ideas:
1. Morrowind did have all this stuff and I just never got involved with it.
2. Morrowind didn't have as big of a modding community as Oblivion, so these things were never made for it.
3. Oblivion had so many problems that needed fixing (possibly as a result of being a console game) that it was necessary to mod it, whereas it was not necessary for Morrowind.
I'm hoping it's *not* #3, but I have sort of a feeling that that's a big part of it. I'd like to hear what other people think about this. If it's the case that Morrowind really did have these types of mods, then my point is moot, but otherwise I'd love to know why Oblivion is so heavily modded whereas Morrowind didn't seem to need to be.