Modding NPC Weapon Choice

Post » Sun Feb 08, 2015 4:13 am

Any pointers on where to look to understand how NPCs determine which weapon to equip from their inventory? Specifically, I'm trying to understand why, with my current set of mods, NPCs are preferring lower damage one-handed weapons over higher damage one-handed weapons, e.g., choosing a steel dagger over a steel sword or an untempered steel sword over a tempered one, so I can create a patch file to correct that.

I've looked into combat styles, but those seem broader than than the issue I'm trying to fix, i.e., the weighting is between things such as melee or magic, rather than dagger or sword. I've also looked through the contents a few combat mods for hints, e.g., Combat Evolved, and nothing they alter is leaping out at as me being related to this sort of thing.

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Kaley X
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