» Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:30 pm
Out of curiosity, have you done any SMALL projects yet?
Not to be a downer, but you only joined the forums this month; and someone coming out of nowhere and announcing THE BEST PROJECT EVER happens about twice a week. They don't ever get finished, because the project is several orders of magnitude bigger than you think it will be.
Which is not to say that you should give up the goal. But it's a good idea to start small, and get a few releases under your belt. This will give you a better handle on the scope of your big project, and it will also gain you some credence among the folks around here... people thinking, "yeah, this guy might be able to pull it off" can help immensely in keeping a project going. Nobody will get excited over yet another go-nowhere project, but if you've already shown that you can finish a project, you'll have more people cheering... and believe me, other people showing an active interest in your project is an important motivator when the sheer mass of it starts to press on you.