I would say the duel weilding was alot more like this other mod I played, let you use ALL weapons in both hands (like in UV)
Akatosh mount? 0_o you mean just cos its draggons?
And yeah, NPCs with jobs fo sho!
Well UV uses many animations what was done by Seph, before mods work like shields or torches Seph was one of first modders who create new first person animations and import mocap into game
I hope they also take look at Animated Clothing and Hair what Seph and Alex Scorpion work before
Some times ago they release public beta but then quit from modding by some unknown reason, anyways some of their work still available like enhanced skeleton now part of Maximum Compatibility Skeleton or animated clothing can be seen on priests in Gates to Aesgaard mod.
Akatosh Mount is byproduct from first custom creature mod for Oblivion and one of most popular mods, so it like testing of dragons for TES besids there is another mod what need to be mentioned to see full picture
Reign of Fire: Attack of the Dragons
and of course GIANTS for Morrowind
And yeah, NPCs with jobs fo sho!
Well I don't quite understand, but I believe you agree with me.
NPC with Jobs even unfinished is outstanding, besides many modders start in their way at NPC with Jobs project like Mr_Siikas
As well need to add Better Cities and Unique Landscapes also.
I hope there will be more details revealed soon.