It looks like RAEVWD helped out here, as well as QTP3, and are you using AmpolX as well? I'm more curious about which landscape textures you're using, textures and normals. I'd also like to know which mods have the credit for the beautifully-textured statue and the fuller foliage too...
Thank you. ..Although it feels undeserving for me to say thanks when it's the various modders who deserve all the credit. =)
Good eye, you're spot on about RAEVWD and QTP3. I hadn't heard of AmpolX until now, it looks like a rather great texture pack.
It's been quite some time since I've played, but looking over the mod list and the installation notes I left for myself, I believe the following is the list of mods responsible for the visuals in that particular screenshot:
DarNified UI
Koldorns LOD Noise Replacer 1.3
- Used "medium" setting
Natural Environments 2.1.3
- This is an old and buggy weather/sky mod, I was too lazy to upgrade it.
- Includes Natural_Vegetation_by_Max_Tael.esp, which is responsible for the larger trees.
Qarl_TP3_Full_v1.3 ("Qarl's Texture Pack III")
QTP3 - Optimized Qarl Texture Pack 3.0 Meshes 0.5
- Only the exterior-only meshes were installed. Anything used by the interiors was left at full QTP3.
QTP3 Reduced 1.3
- Used the "lite" version.
- Only the exterior-only meshes were installed. Anything used by the interiors was left at full QTP3. This was installed after "Optimized Qarl Texture Pack", as it had a better performance boost.
QTP3 UOP32 Compatibility Patch 2.3
Qarl's LOD normals 4096 Compressed 1.0
Really AEVWD 1.5
reduced landscape LOD textures BTQ1024 1.0
- Used the 1024 BTQ color maps. Did NOT use the normal maps.
Unique Landscapes - Imperial Isle 1.6.2
..Plus my own, custom water settings.
And of course, after all mods are loaded, the excellent TES4LODGen tool was used to generate any missing LOD's.