Did a nuke just fall down, or is it just me?

What shader mod gave you that beautiful effect.
As a newbie to PC Oblivion ive just started playing with mods. Ive got the gameplay, balance and features mods down but what are some of the popular visual enhancing mods that are being used in this thread. So far ive got OGE with Shaders, Natural Weather and Enhanced VWD.
Here's the humble home of my Retired Imperial Legionnaire, this area has become one of my favorites. The home is simple and had enough areas for customization and integration with other mods. I just learned how to take screen-shots so ill be putting up more shots of this home and other modded goodness. :thumbsup:
Pinewood is a farm home found on OBRE
Weather:All Natural
The lighting is included in the mod but i also have AWLS running so it could be from either one of those.
Edit: Im really enjoying toying around with the OGE shaders hehe. All these graphic mods combined unleash the true beauty of our little virtual world. Here are some more shots of Pinewood and its inhabitant.