Modeling in Blender

Post » Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:45 pm

Hello, I have a few questions/help for modeling in blender for Oblivion
First. What is UV-Mapping? What is the Importance of this? What kinds of Oblivion models require it?
Second, I'm trying to import a model (Collada .Dae) into blender for personal use, not to be shared, and no matter what, I get the message, "Mesh "Mesh" not found" or "Expected Matrix object as an argument" What do these mean, and how to get around it. I have the current blender scripts for collada importing and exporting.
Third, kinda related, if I leave out some animations for the player, will I have issues no matter what, or only if they get the command to play the mission animation? (EX: New animations for player, missing bow animations. Will the player only excounter issues when using a bow?"
Fourth, how do I create collision for a static object?

Also, this is very irrelevant but think it would be better to ask in this thread instead of a new, is it true the game will have issues if a Master changes data in another Master?
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