» Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:59 am
To me the one thing that should always be against the rules is Trolling. Anyone that’s making topics especially to piss people off is just hurting the forum, chat, wiki, whatever. That is the number one priority for me.
Honestly, I try to treat a forum like I would a party. What’s acceptable depends on the people at the party and the size. At a small get together of close friends, people don’t need to be as polite. They know each other, and understand that any insults that are said are simply in jest. Now at a larger get together, things are a little stricter. Using your friend’s nickname (which also happens to be a racial slur) is not acceptable behavior. It also changes by the group’s composition. If it is a bunch of college kids, expect alcohol to be present, and a certain level of drunkenness is acceptable. If it’s at a Baptist church, then being drunk is not acceptable.
The moderator’s job is to make sure that the people at the party have a good time. That means speaking to (and eventual removal) of people that aren’t respecting the conventions of the group. If you’re moderation is too strict or too loose for your participants, then they’ll leave. Of course, if your attempting to make your forums a certain way, you may have no problem with some people leaving voluntarily. For example, I know quite a few people who have left this forum because our level of moderation was constricting to them. I’ve also seen forums that had far too little moderation for my tastes, and so I didn’t join them.
It is true that this being a company forum dictates certain things. For example, at the bottom of the page, you can that our privacy statement is ESRB certified. The things we do because we’re a company forum aren’t necessarily bad. In fact, most of it means we have to do the right thing and not be lazy about it.
As for who you want as a moderator, I prefer 18+ people. That’s not to say there aren’t people at a lower age that’d be fine moderators, but they’re not plentiful, and it’s hard to tell. There’s no substitute for the experiences of dealing with people for a long period of time, and the older you get the more experiences you have. You want someone who’s got a stable personality (no explanation needed), a confrontational personality (non-confrontational people don’t handle the job well), and maybe a little bit of a private approach (Dealing with problems behind closed doors and not in the middle of the forum is a plus). They also need high self-esteem, and a dark sense of humor.
Oh, and deacon's absolutely correct. People that want to be moderators are bad moderators.
This is a lot of rambling and stream of consciousness.