I don't get all the heck people are giving Activision for making CoD games on a regular basis. I personally love the hell out of those games. The Treyarch ones are inferior IMO, but Activision makes dynamite games. And that whole "omg one game a year? they are just taking my money" is only even REMOTELY an issue if you are a multiplayer person. As someone who plays 80% for the single player, the more Activision CoD games, the better.
CoD 1 and CoD 2 were the first shooters aside from the Half Life series I could really dig. Modern Warfare redefined fun for me in games, World at War was kinda eh (treyarch just doesn't quite have that touch. its like they are constantly trying to outdo activisions ones) MW2 was win, and Black ops was ok, but it really felt a bit too on rails for me. LIke there were fewer levels you could just hop in straight from mission select to pwn ppl. Khe Sanh and Hue City were ok for that, but the rest had SO much scripted stuff, it really went a bit far.
By contrast, in MW2, you could hop straight into afghanistan, the burbs, the favela, heck practically any level for some good old fashioned dumb fun.
Oh, and plus I happen to be a gun nut irl, so it REALLY irked me how practically every other weapon you GET in black ops was anachronistic. First time I played Hue City and the spec ops dude tossed me a SPAS 12, I just sorta sat there with this pained expression whimpering "but...but.....its not 1983 yet......"

And on a final note, I remember MW1 and 2 multiplayer being a nice bracing challenge, but black ops multiplayer, i feel like im made of frigging paper. Like someone wielding a support weapon so much as sneezes vigorously in my direction, and i spew blood in a jet 15 feet high and keel over backwards -_-
I know the engine is from the late jurassic, it had no story, and the particle effects are horrible, but I STILL rate America's Army as among my favorite shooters ever. Nearly 100% perfect weapon realism, including random jams, the fact that you had to manually reload when you spent a full clip, instead of it doing it automatically, the ability to use hand signals, guns with REAL ammunition capacities, instead of fantasy capacities 30 rounds higher than they are IRL, and most importantly of all: no "dynamic ammo system" which is to say if you ejected a partial clip, the rest of the ammo in that clip was gone. you''d thrown it away, whereas every other game ever made, that ammo goes back into your general pool for that weapon. And don't make excuses like "but you saved the partial clip." When I have say 150 rounds left total, with 50 rounds a clip, and I fire 40 shots, reload, fire 40 more, reload again then fire 40 more and reload a final time and the last clip I put in has 30 rounds in it, despite the fact that my last 30 should be in 3 clips w/ 10 rounds apiece.....I suddenly lose interest in the game.

Plus no respawning till a round ended, so people actually valued their lives and played defensively. None of this rambo-kamikaze-monkey-on-speed tactics that are the norm in B-Ops multiplayer.