Modes of transport and some cammo gear please. To save you having to walk all over the place picking flowers etc., how about.
1. How come there are no military "cammo" style clothes to buy, steal, find etc? Surly there must be some about?
2. How come there is no personal transport to use to get your about the area faster than running?
Maybe a bicycle that needs spares and repairs?
Even a horse that needs to be fed? And if you're hungry, you can kill it and eat it yourself!! And there maybe various saddles for you to obtain to give you advantages with shooting whilst on the gallop?
Or maybe a moped that needs to be run on the various alcoholic drinks that are available and to be serviced? Maybe you need to get an MOT too? (Just joking!).
3. And because it is based in the good ole US of A, when it comes to weapons, why can't you get hold of the native North American firepower? BOWS AND ARROWS. If you got the schematics and the skill, you can knock up a bow and the arrows too. Tie on some dynamite, and KAPOW! Dip in poinson, and gurgh...Sloooow death....
As, I said, these are ideas I sent o gamesas and they said get some feed back. So what do you think?