B.T.W, why do you change your sig like, every other week logam.
I do it for a bit of change i guess

Same with my avatar... :rofl:
Felic, i added your thread to Modders Resource.

Scn aaaStatueDDLVBegin ScriptEffectUpdate StopMagicShaderVisuals LifeDetectedEnd
Scn aaaNoMoveScriptFloat TimerShort doOnceBegin onLoad; resets timer for current cell load set Timer to 0; resets var for current cell load, so setRestrained/setGhost aren't called every frame set doOnce to 0; need to input values for these or else actor will spawn in between path grid nodes setPos x 0 setPos y 0 setPos z 0 setAngle z 0; turn on for weapon drawn anim; use 0 for no weapon drawn SetAlert 1; pick group from list provided PlayGroup AttackForwardPower, 1EndBegin GameMode; change value for desired pose if ( Timer < 0.5 ); this increments timer var to be able to stop anim set Timer to ( Timer + GetSecondsPassed ) else; these only need to be set once when player enters cell if doOnce == 0 set doOnce to 1; Unconscious actors do not "think" at all; this is not absolutely necessary, but can't hurt setUnconscious 1; Restrained actors will not move from their current position, but will continue to "think" (pick packages, run detection so they could yell alarms) & go into dialogue setRestrained 1; no combat, not harmed by hits/spells, will talk, cannot be pickpocketed setGhost 1 endif; causes the current animation to not be played for this frame skipAnim endifEnd
Scn aaaNoMoveScriptFloat MyXFloat MyYFloat MyZFloat MyAxFloat MyAyFloat MyAzBegin onLoad Set MyX to GetPos X Set MyY to GetPos Y Set MyZ to GetPos Z Set MyAx to GetAngle X Set MyAy to GetAngle Y Set MyAz to GetAngle Z setPos x MyX setPos y MyY setPos z MyZ setAngle x MyAx setAngle y MyAy setAngle z MyAzEnd
Scn aaaMarkSpellScriptBegin ScriptEffectStart PlaceAtMe aaaMarkRecallTeleport 1, 0, 0 MessageBox "You have marked this location."End
Scn aaaRecallSpellScriptBegin ScriptEffectStart Player.MoveToMarker aaaMarkRecallTeleportEnd
Begin ScriptEffectStart aaaMarkRecallTeleport.MoveTo player MessageBox "You have marked this location"End
scn HeroAmuletPeaceScriptbegin OnEquip player Player.SetFactionRank HeroPredators 0 Player.AddSpell HeroPeaceAbilityendbegin OnUnequip player Player.SetFactionRank HeroPredators -1 Player.RemoveSpell HeroPeaceAbilityend
Scn HeroArenaSetScriptBegin GameMode if ( HeroWeatherType == 0 ) if ( getdistance player < 400 ) set HeroWeatherType to 1 if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Clear" ) set HeroWeatherType to 1 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Cloudy" ) set HeroWeatherType to 2 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "DefaultWeather" ) set HeroWeatherType to 3 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Fog" ) set HeroWeatherType to 4 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Overcast" ) set HeroWeatherType to 5 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Rain" ) set HeroWeatherType to 6 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Snow" ) set HeroWeatherType to 7 endif if ( GetIsCurrentWeather "Thunderstorm" ) set HeroWeatherType to 8 endif endif endifEnd
Scn HeroArenaLoadScriptBegin GameModeif ( HeroWeatherType > 0 ) if ( getdistance player < 400 ) if ( HeroWeatherType == 1 ) ForceWeather "Clear" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 2 ) ForceWeather "Cloudy" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 3 ) ForceWeather "DefaultWeather" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 4 ) ForceWeather "Fog" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 5 ) ForceWeather "Overcast" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 6 ) ForceWeather "Rain" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 7 ) ForceWeather "Snow" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType == 8 ) ForceWeather "Thunderstorm" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 elseif ( HeroWeatherType > 8 ) ForceWeather "Clear" Set HeroWeatherType to 0 endif endifendifend
Scn HeroArenaResetScriptBegin GameMode if ( HeroWeatherType > 0 ) if ( getdistance player < 200 ) set HeroWeatherType to 0 endif endifend
scriptname TELElockScriptfloat timershort doWhatBegin GameMode if ( getlocked ) else if timer > 0 set timer to timer - getsecondspassed else if doWhat == 2 lock 100 set doWhat to 0 return elseif doWhat == 1 set timer to timer + 2 setopenstate 0 set doWhat to 2 return elseif doWhat == 0 set timer to timer + 10 set doWhat to 1 return endif endif endifEnd