Begin OnActivate Player.MoveTo 'ref ID' SkipQuestStage 2 Messagebox "You Have Been Teleported To An Unknown Hall."End
begin MenuMode 1008 if (player.GetItemCount OptMenu == 0) return else player.RemoveItem OptMenu 1 AddItem OptMenu 1 messagebox "Your options" ...
begin onAdd player YourContainer.Activate YourWeapon, 1 YourContainer.AddItem YourWeapon 1 RemoveMeend
begin onActivate if (IsActionRef YourWeapon == 1) messagebox "Your options" ...
scn J3Xringscriptref userrefbegin onequip set UserRef to GetContainer if userref != player userref.addspell J3Xringspell else userref.addspell J3Xringspell2 message "You have gained a ability" endendbegin onunequip set UserRef to GetContainer if userref != player userref.removespell J3Xringspell else userref.removespell J3Xringspell2 message "You have no longer a ability" endend
Scriptname aaaMenushort Choiceshort ChosenBegin OnActivate if IsActionRef Player MessageBox "Template", "Button00", "Button01", "Button02", "Button03", "Button04", "Button05", "Button06", "Button07", "Button08", "Cancel" set Chosen to 1 endifEndBegin GameMode; or use MenuMode if Chosen set Choice to getButtonPressed if Choice > -1 set Chosen to 0 if Choice == 0 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 1 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 2 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 3 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 4 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 5 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 6 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 7 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 8 ResultingCode elseif Choice == 9 Return endif endif endifEnd
Bound Arrows Tutorial
Basic Scripting Knowledge Fair Knowledge of the TES Construction Set
arrow8daedricand click edit.
ID - aaaBoundArrow (aaa so that it is at top of list) Name - Bound Arrow Enchantment - NONE Make sure that IgnoresNormalWeaponResistance is ticked Weight - 0 Value - 0 Speed - Leave as it is Damage - 20
ID - aaaBoundArrowsSpellName - Bound Arrows Make sure every box is ticked except Area Effect Ignore LOS Make sure auto calculate is unchecked and put spell level NOVICE and spell cost 30. Click OK and then say OK to the create new form ID box...
scn aaaBoundArrowSpellScript Begin ScriptEffectStart PlayMagicVisualShaders SummonMythicDawn 5 player.additem 'arrows code' 50 player.equipitem 'arrows code' 50End Begin ScriptEffectFinish player.unequipitem 'arrowscode' player.removeitem 'arrows code' 50End
player.addspell 'spell code' and then press enter.
this spell code looks like this: yyxxxxxx. yy is used to reference the plugin, xxxxxx to reference the item inside the plugin (and does not change), in this case its the xxxxxx of the editorid of the spell. yy changed depending on your mod load order, if its the first loaded its 01, second 02... (remember that this coding is in Hex!)
0: None1: Petty2: Lesser3: Common4: Greater5: Grand - Humanoid
ref yoursoulshort soullevelset soullevel to GetSoulLevel yoursoulif soullevel == 5 message "You have stealed a humans soul!" modpcinfamy 2 ; Do thingelseif soullevel > 0 message "It's just a normal soul"else message "No soul in the soulgem"endif
Scn aaaMarkSpellScriptBegin ScriptEffectStart aaaMarkRecallTeleport.MoveTo player MessageBox "You have marked this location."End
Scn aaaRecallSpellScriptBegin ScriptEffectStart Player.MoveToMarker aaaMarkRecallTeleportEnd