I have been wanting to get an eyepatch mod for my character for quite some time. I noticed that http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=1384 contains an eyepatch, however, it seems to me that the http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=29478 are configured over the wrong eye in my character's case.
It might sound like I'm just being too nitpicky, but check out this screenshot and you will see what I mean. (I went through a lot of trouble of modifying Ren's Odd Eye, creating a unique race and editing the eye meshes in the construction set for the race so that I could get this to work- as well as creating a scarred facial texture.)
...Obviously that poor man would have to be crazy to put his eyepatch on the wrong eye.

Using the Construction Set or Blender (both I have access to), is it possible to flip or "mirror" the eyepatches included in this mod so that it will cover the opposite eye? If so, how would I go about doing it? If I can do that then I will have much fun with this mod- it will be the perfect companion to my poor blinded character.
Thanks for your time.
Irrelevant notes:
A while ago I created, with the help of a few other users, Drake the Dragon and Fearrabbit, another mod which further alters my character and gives him his characteristic mask from his original character design from my graphic novel. However, when I reinstalled Oblivion I haven't yet re-implemented his mask. I COULD, when I have the time to do it, but for now I would rather have him use a simple eyepatch until I get the time to re-configure his comformulated mask and whatnot. So that's why I am wanting to use this mod as it already includes what I wanted to use for the time being, which would save me time from making my own- which i could, except I don't have time.