Hey everyone,
I'm trying to modify the faction building-dependent scripts in Building Up Uvirith's Legacy so that some can be built without membership in the faction. I.e., I think the Morag Tong and Thieves Guild would be willing to expand to Tel Uvirith regardless of whether the PC is a member of the faction or not.
The problem is I can't figure out how to modify the script to get the NPC to always appear. I tried changing the faction rank check to >= 0, but this still doesn't cause the NPC to appear. Could anyone give me some suggestions as to how to get the NPC to enable right away? Thanks! Script is below. The only part that's relevant (to my knowledge) is the part form the "GetPCRank" command onward.
begin UvirithMTong_NPCshort doneshort checkshort talkif ( menumode == 1 ) returnendifif ( GetPCCell "Uvirith's Grave, Morag Tong Guild" == 1 ) if ( cellchanged == 1 ) "uvi_Ruen Varyon"->positioncell, 4193, 3606, 14912, 0 "Uvirith's Grave, Morag Tong Guild" endifendifif ( done == 0 ) if ( cellchanged == 1 ) if ( GetPCRank "Morag Tong" >= 0 ) if ( GetDisabled == 1 ) enable set done to 1 endif else if ( GetDisabled == 0 ) disable endif endif endifendifend