Modifying with the GECK...

Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:11 pm


I just have a couple of questions about the GECK, specifically, I want to change the stats (and models) of some weapons

Now, I have the GECK, and I open the Fallout master file, find the weapon file (32. pistol say), make the changes I want, and then this is where I hit the problem...

Obviously if I want to make the changes I have to save them don't I?... Where exactly do I find the Fallout master file so I can save the changes?

Or if what I've been doing is incorrect, how do I make these changes?


When trying to modify an aspect of a mod I've downloaded (which is also a master file which relies on other masters) it says that I cannot open said master file, because doing so requires opening all the other masters it relies on, hence it aborts the load. Any way around this?

Lastly, How do I find item ID numbers via the GECK? Is this possible? It's just I have an item from a mod I want to get without working for it (lazy I know, but I need to see if it works, and I don't want to waste my time working and then watching it not work on me) - this is actually dependant on whether I can sort out the above issue regarding the master file...

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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:20 am

You can't modify the master file. You save plugins which override content from the master file when you load them. This is why most mod conflicts occur, because only one mod can override a given record so if two mods both want to change say the .32, only one mod will successfully do so.

The GECK ini file should have a bLoadMultipleMasters line, change that from 0 to 1.

Item IDs are the column to the right of the editorID, that's by default shrunk to be invisible. Just expand them.
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Kelly James
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Post » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:26 am

You can't modify the master file. You save plugins which override content from the master file when you load them. This is why most mod conflicts occur, because only one mod can override a given record so if two mods both want to change say the .32, only one mod will successfully do so.

The GECK ini file should have a bLoadMultipleMasters line, change that from 0 to 1.

Item IDs are the column to the right of the editorID, that's by default shrunk to be invisible. Just expand them.

Thanks, that's been very helpful!

Just a few more questions...

1) Where can I find the GECK ini file?

2) Presumably all I do is go on the Fallout master file, make the changes I want, save it as a different name (e.g. 32. pistol fix) and then put it in my load order in FOMM? Where should I save it? Fallout data folder?

3) Thanks for that info!
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:10 pm

1. Usually its in:
C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\

2. You do not save the fallout master file as anything. You make changes and save a plugin file of those changes. And you save it in the location it picks for you when you click save. If you try to save in any other directory, it will tell you 'Invalid directory'.
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Avril Louise
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Post » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:34 pm

I don't want to waste my time working and then watching it not work on me


This is a big part of learning how to use the GECK :thumbsup:

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