I got to thinking about the 2nd Screen Experience today, and its impact on modding. There are some mods that change certain elements of the Pipboy Display. Usually these mods improve on the quality of the in-game map - giving it a higher resolution, perhaps adding new icons, giving the map a coordinates system, or adding in color.
Now, with the new 2nd Screen Experience...what happens? Will our phones be stuck in the default Pipboy screen mode? Mods that crash the game are one thing...mods that could crash your phone are another. I have almost no knowledge of how this all works. I know not everyone will use the 2nd Screen Experience, but it appears that Bethesda wants to encourage it (they tweeted about it changing how we use stimpacks in the game). And it is possible that there will be advantages to using your phone as the Pipboy, instead of the in-game one. Thoughts?