» Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:59 am
This again?
Any time they make something in support of consoles, it has historically diminished the game compared to what it would be if it were designed for PC. I think people miss the point when PC diehards complain about this kind of thing. I don't care if console players get mods or not, and certainly don't want to withhold the capability from them because I'm "just an ass". The issue again is, its entirely hypocritical to complain that console users don't have mods and that PC users are just being selfish if giving the mods to console users diminishes the modding community. Console users never had mods in the first place on any prior games, so if you can't see how its hypocritical to ask PC users to have the ability diminished, there's just no hope for the conversation.
That all being said... if putting mods on consoles would not negatively impact the PC modding community or capabilities, then great and good, give consoles mods. Fantastic. I'm really just not sure its going to happen, at least not on 360, maybe the more fly by the seat of the pants Sony will do it. If no one is policing the mods it will break all sorts of stuff, and I don't know that MS would be OK with merely having some disclaimer stating that it is 3rd party content. Besides, where is the server space on which they are going to host the ones that are downloadable for the platform and who is paying for it? If they aren't made 100% free, there could be legal issues around the fact that people work to produce those mods. Etc, etc, etc. There have been many threads about this already.
Eh, again. If they can do it without breaking what it already is/has been for the existing mod community, then good going, put it on the consoles and be done with it in that case. I just don't see it happening, or don't see it happening without negative consequences for the existing state of modding.