Maybe everyone needs to find a guild and stop categorizing themselves as better or worse than other people.
Maybe everyone needs to find a guild and stop categorizing themselves as better or worse than other people.
That's exactly what I said. Let people decide, if you want mods... by all means. If you don't like them. Don't use them.
MMO's are generally what you make of them, if you want to be surrounded by the min/max crew have at it. If you don't then don't.
Forcing the developers to remove data that restricts the spectrum of players is a bad choice. Some people enjoy knowing all the ins and outs and maximizing their character for performance let them be. Chances are if you are not one of these people your paths won't cross, and if they do just be decent and go your separate ways.
This is where i feel a mod is going to far, when the game tells you what another players resistance is, skill their using and if it can be interrupted you might as well have hacked the game, your not playing anymore. You as a player should be the one making judgement calls on what damage type is needed in a given situation, you should be the one recognizing a skill being used and know if it can be interrupted.
I'm not sure entirely what you're saying in reply to my post. People generally gravitate towards like-minded guilds. If a guild doesn't suit them— they leave. Thus a guild should have more like minded people since those of a different mindset somewhat filter out. Then you have people you want to group with.
I mean, whomever they want, sure. I doubt people want to group with people they don't like though.
Eh, let the math psycho's and incompetents who can't build something fun for themselves have their mods & cookie cutter builds. I'll play a no-mod or very little mod UI and the character I want, blow them out of the water in every conceivable way, and laugh on my way to the proverbial bank....
Good +1. And if you happen to run into some of those people who do things by the decimal as far as character growth, i suggest running for dear life. At least in an open pvp environment
... and so it begins...
"Plz link DPS"
Although I hate DPS meters and other such addons, I doubt it will be a problem for me.
I won't be using any mods and i'll probably do what I did very successfully in WoW. If and when I advertise for people for my groups, I will state that it will be a relaxed, stress free, fun run and that whiners, gearwh*res and 'speed runners' are not wanted. Funnily enough, my groups always had waiting lists for them and filled up quickly. If I did have to kick someone, their space was filled instantly by someone else who just wanted to have a fun dungeon crawl without any drama.
I remember one raid where I was MH and this idiot would always ask for the DPS meter to be linked in chat if he was at the top and would never ask for it to be linked if he wasn't. After a while people got wind of this and no-one linked it when he was top but it as always linked when he wasn't. Lovely.
mods/addons aren't going to be needed. Even in WoW they do make things easier, but they aren't needed by the pro's because pro's cant use them in competitions in wow. ( i dont know if im correct on that, just something i heard word of mouth a while back.) I will start off myself with the basic UI and add things as i get comfortable and as needed, if i even do.
btw why does everybody refer to them as mods, when they seem like addons, am i missing something here?
I am personally split on parsers, etc. I am cool with personal use. I hate people spamming dps meters in chat, though. Not allowed, if I can help it. I might use a parser to adjust a build, but I am certainly not going to have one running 24/7, just so I can tell other people they svck. Just my opinion.
The terminology doesn't matter really when everyone knows what you're talking about. I mean, for the sake of the discussion they're interchangeable.
Well, lots of the junk on the screen is useless, you do not want to know xp gain outside of logs, that is not combat relevant information. Damage done is also log information you do not need to know how much damage you do while fighting, it don't help you
Cooldown and ability duration is critical. so is that interruptable abilitys the enemy is using, enemy magica and stamina is also very useful, so nice if the enemy is low on stamina and can not break out of cc.
An enemy armor and magic resistance might also be useful
I sure hope the games aspect stays that way come launch, i truely do. that is how the fun commences.
my favorite thing is WoW's arena system, people get there 2.2k achiev or 1500 achievement, and they got it like 6 years ago, and they post: looking for only 2.2k achiev individual to do arenas with (then they link there 2.2k achiev they got from 6 yrs ago), link achiev or no arenas, pst.
Now how can you sit there and tell me that just because you got the 2.2k arena achievement 6+ years ago that your going to be as good now, the game has changed over time immensely.
I guess dps/achievements even build up on the elitist number cruncher in a sense, and its the dumbest thing ive seen yet. I hope things dont turn out like this in ESO.
I really can't understand those people who are saying they're happy that certain information isn't possible to display by default, but that it's accessible for mods. If it was possible to display damage numbers and such by default but you couldn't use that sort of information in mods, there would be no DPS meters or any such annoying nonsense polluting the game.
And these things:
Are stupid. Skill interruption is something players should learn by themselves. Why allow mods to check skill use? Target's resistance is even worse. It's absolutely impossible to estimate someone's magic resistance without mods, so with mods displaying that information they become pretty much mandatory if you want to compete.
Meh. I hate mandatory mods in MMO's. This could be a deal breaker for me with regards to PvP.
A side effect of many of the players coming from the TES franchise not from a MMO background I think. Previous TES games used 'mods' so people say 'mods' rather than 'addon's' which would be more accurate. Also, yeah, no professional gamer I've ever met(and I have indeed met several) would be caught dead using mods and add-ons. Mostly illegal for competition...and they don't need them anyway. I was a highly in demand healer in many or most of the MMO's I played, and I never used meters or add-ons, I just got GOOD at it from a decade+ of practice.
An add-on is either a hardware unit that can be added to a computer to increase its capabilities or a program utility that enhances a primary program.
A mod or modification is the alteration of the program code of a video game in order to make it operate in a manner different to its original version.
Yes im sorry, im being picky, but two totally different things. People will be wondering where the mod workshop is....
I really cannot stress enough: just play with like-minded people. The devs jobs have nothing to do with the social aspect, it is the players which define that.
Randoms are just that: randoms. Sometimes you get cool people, more often you get d-bags. Better off just joining a guild of cool people so you don't need to bother with the rest.
I fully agree with this. It destroys a lot of the learning curve by automating things, which is terribad.
An dps meter in ESO PvP would be pretty pointless, area effect DoT against an thigh group will give scary dps, but it will be pretty easy to heal, you want burst damage to kill.
You do not want to spend all your stamina or magica as you can not cc or, interrupt or break cc.
Yes it might teach you something, but that is another story,
For those that dislike links - this addon is aimed at PvP. This is the information it gives you:
Target class, HP/mana bars, cast bar and what they are casting. This is a feature in mods for PvE as well, as it lets you time interrupts on bosses, or know when he's casting that big thing you need to get out of.
Target of Target. This is also default UI. It tells you who that person is targeting.
Who is low health
What buffs they have on them
What cooldowns they use while in combat with you, and when this cooldown is available again
Diminishing returns on CC types, what's been used and how often so you know if it's "safe" to use it again(third stun for example won't land, target is immune to prevent CC chaining of the same type)
Then there's this:
The quintessential "OMG THE BOSS IS DOING THIS GTFO" mod set.
Maybe not in PvP, but all world first PvE guilds use mods.
Some of them are the ones developing them while the patch is in beta.
This too.