Swtor, swg, warhammer online, rift, wow, gw. The first TES game i played was oblivion then skyrim.. TES games used mods that changed the game around totally, im used to MMOS, and using addons to enhance some of the gameplay.
Swtor, swg, warhammer online, rift, wow, gw. The first TES game i played was oblivion then skyrim.. TES games used mods that changed the game around totally, im used to MMOS, and using addons to enhance some of the gameplay.
A mod that tells you resistances, when to block, when to interrupt, etc doesn't so much as enhance gameplay as it does hold you hand and make it easier.
It is information a player is not supposed to see ..It arguably gives them an unfair advantage over players without these addons;imo a form of cheating
Cheaters should be eliminated.
Anybody could have told you that if they have ever played an MMO. With that being said, the enhancement of a mod/addon, doesn't always make the game easier for you. I used 1 addon in WoW. Bartender. That addon enhanced my experience because i could cluster my stuff closer together so i didnt have all kinds of useless items on my screen.
Didn't necessarily make the game any easier for me. But i get what you mean absolutely. Most if not all addons are made to make the game easier, but not all. Me i just like to be able to move things around on my UI to my liking.
People will have the option to use them, we have a choice. So what are we exactly debating here? The fact that they will ruin the game because people will be playing in easy mode with these addons? Well considering people will be using them, you should probably either just download them yourself, or svck it up and don't.
Reguardless people will be using addons like these, so idk what else to say..If somthing this mild is that huge of a turn off then im sorry to hear.
I'm not convinced that any of that mod is game breaking. Most of it is fluff. Far as I could tell, you could not see targets buffs, only the debuffs you put on them. Nor can you tell how much magica/stamina they have or what spell they are casting.
You can see the debuffs you put on them and the remaining time of those debuffs and cc. You can see what abilities have already damaged you, but I didn't see a cast bar announcing what they were doing. The only thing I saw that you can't figure out on your own anyways is the floaty damage numbers. Which doesn't help you much in PvP.
Most everything that mod offers can be easily figured out on your own. Not a big deal imo. Unless I am missing something.
And I am with you in understanding how destructive damage meters can be. But they are also useful tools when kept private.
This to me is cheating.Knowing what spell your target is casting,what buffs they have on,and tracking cc timing? The spell casting is something your supposed to learn from the animations.The other 2 are just blatant cheats.
Check again at 3:54. There's a cast bar right there.
agreed, all i can see happening is the devs disabling these add-ons / mods (its not healthy for the community)
has anyone ever gotten a mod that was outdated and led to nasty virus?
It's not like auto aim. I'm a shooter guy originally and that is cheating. This looks like almost more info than is useful in a hectic paced battle, a good player will, I think (I really know very little}, be able to suss a lot of what is going on just from experience and will not have to run quite such a pile of ongoing data.
I am going to seriously try to play first person so ... that should be interesting.
It was healthy for numerous other MMOs. It will be fine in eso. You have the option to not use addons. :/
and no addons have ever caused a virus due to my virus protection wont let me download anything with any nasty stuff in it, warns me before hand. norton 360 ftw.
You can't really get kicked in pve content here, since it's more about control of the battle and reaction rather than damage output, dodging, changing to heal when the boss does some hefty aoe, run away instead of spamming that last skill to keep "rotation" up.
I wouldn't worry about it in the pve part.
In pvp knowing % of enemy hp and raw numbers written in the health/magicka/stamina bars also help, other than that I don't see myself using any other mods at all.
For PVE I will heavily try to avoid "DBM" like mods from WoW which tell you when the boss will do something, and hopefully the bosses on this game don't use timed abilities, and are as advertised, reacting to the players decisions and act based on that.
Exactly, an experienced person in any mmo will not need to use addons. +1
Ok I stand corrected to a certain extent. Thanks for pointing that out or I would have missed it. I do think that knowing the exact spell being cast is a bit overboard in PvP. Enemy cast bars in PvE is pretty standard though. Knowing when to interrupt isn't a big deal imo either. You see a mage standing there waving her arms in the air, its a safe bet you might want to interrupt. But I still don't see health or magica bars.
I guess I'm just kinda nuetral on the issue.
well then what about disabling the "boot from squad" option???
The issue is that you can see exactly how long you still have to use your interrupts, so you can time them perfectly to make the opponent waste as much time as possible. Without the bar, you'd have to guess it and take risks.
The health bar with exact health of his targets is constantly on screen (same place as cast bar). I didn't see a magicka or stamina bar either.
Addons dont make people into rude obsessed individuals. We all have a choice in our words, and some are just cocky/arrogant behind there computer because they're safe. Or they have elite gear. Elitist rude gamers are always going to be around, sadly. They're everywhere. That wont be something you can escape. You should know this with the experience you claim to have.
in almost all the pvp videos i have seen people dying within a mattrer of 10 - 20 seconds (30 sec TOPS). if your eyes and brain and finger coordination are working at that speed to be able to interupt then u deserve the PK boards legitimately imo. lol
Last i checked people have a choice to choose how they portray themselves/ act. And the ones who do act on this elitism and such, are simply /ignored. problem solved.