Lists and resources for finding many popular mods, and some good mods:
(note the distinction between the two, don't just follow mindless peer pressure, try and make your own opinions and find what you'll like)
List of lists:
Top 100
Files of the months:
Hall of fame:
Categories, Tag search, advanced search
General help in terms of installing, utilities, workshops, etc.:
Oblivion mod wiki
TES Alliance (Check The Enclave forum, the Oblivion forum, or the Voice actor forum depending on your pursuits)
gamesas forums-Oblivion: (Hardware/software for non mod related issues, Mods for mod users, Construction set for making mods.)
List of topics exactly like yours generic pleadings for "Any mods?" that have already been answered:
Read the AZERessential topics to get the basic "get wryebash, OBMM, OBSE, start slow" basic advice for starters recommendations
If you want any further help I suggest you tell us about yourself; what you like and what you're looking for... Here's some questions to get you started:
Have you played Oblivion already?
What sort of things interest you?
What type of Character do you usually play? (good/evil, theif/mage, roleplayer/random-no-story-hack-and-slasher?)
Are there specific types of mods you think would interest you? (Quests, graphic mods, gameplay mods, overhauls, etc.)
When did you leave?
What did you not like about Oblivion? What did Oblivion not have or need more of?
Male or female character?
For the occasional "What are your must haves?"
Mostly quest mods:
My favorite quests are:
Integration (my most favorite)
Malevolent, Runied tail, Tears of the fiend
The Blackwood company
Dremora Companion
Servant of the Dawn
Imperial Legion Faction
Gameplay mods:
Hear No Evil
Crime Has Witnesses
Audacious Magery
Conduit magic
Custom spell Icons
Training cattle
Refscope(good for troubleshooting)
Vows and Covenants
Pluke's roleplaying persuasion
LAME (Needed for Integration. no longer needed)
RBP (Needed for Integration. No longer needed )
I'm mostly a quest mod player and I recently posted a big rundown for most of them that I've played here and here.
(Some of these are probably outdated by now)
Pseron Wyrd's top 10 (Don't really want a lot top 10's or simple lists but I'm desperate for cop/pastes at the moment)
Tommy H's