Mods for consoles

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:31 am


Very well put.

If nothing else, maybe some sort of construction set specifically made for console users? I've played plenty of console games that have had user-made content and was able to share it. Even if it is limited I'd still like some sort of flexibility/customization beyond what a "vanilla" experience would offer.

If I could afford a PC just for TES, I'd do it in a heartbeat and I'd never had posted this topic to begin with!
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:42 pm

Yeah....that second part falls into the "get a warning from a moderator, probably get your post removed, maybe get banned" field of very bad ideas.

I don't really see how that could be in the 'maybe get banned field of very bad ideas,' it honestly sounds like you're being overdramatic about the entire situation while defending your console. Though it was barely inappropriate, the mods here aren't forum nazis. You'll have to go elsewhere to find butthurt mods.
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Madison Poo
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:58 am

Copy and pasted from a similar thread.

Now I realize your not asking for some sort of mod kit for consoles but it fits in the same bill. Best of picks of mods ported to consoles won't happen as DLC has taken hold, something I've heavily commented on in another post as well.

Think of it as how free programs and flash games from the internet and PC might be packaged and sold on smartphones like iPhones, Android, WebOS, etc.

Anyways here:

The construction set for a particular game on the PC is usually given because the same kit or something similar to it was used for the game and its to give customers freedom to make their own content/fix up the game how they want/the community, etc. Basically its become a staple from companies like ID, Bethesda, and others.

It's different for consoles because the the games assets, construction, and the game itself is made on the PC. It is possible to give basic capabilities like seen in Littlebigplanet, Halo Reach, and others with map or game creation tools. But fact is since RPGs,while they can be given a "sandbox" feel, are largely scripted along with all the attention needed to things like dialogue would be hard to make on a console alone.

A mod kit for Skyrim wouldn't be practical on a 360 or PS3 at all. How can you honestly build content? There's testing PC-created mods on consoles through a PC then launching it in a "Console Mod Marketplace" but thats dev-like territory there.

Besides due to these limitations and the fact that console owners(I'm one myself, Xbox 360) have actually accepted getting nickel and dimed by DLC (Map Packs were always a norm to buy in the console world)when small packs and semi-expansions these DLC offer are generally regarded as offerings that are seen as standard to be completely free to the PC Gamer-consumer.(Rare offerings like Shivering Isles, GTA Ballad of Gay Tony, and Red Dead Redemption's $10 Undead Nightmare being the exceptions) And if its a fairly large expansion to the game, then and only then will the expansion be accepted and bought.

EDIT: I wanted to add to the beginning. The fact that they already have the set made as their using it to make the game iis another reason they can easily push it for public modding use without spending much additional time prepping it. (And as we learned today as the whole post and edit was posted awhile ago, it's called simply the "Creation Kit".)
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Anna Krzyzanowska
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:27 am

. Since the mods are user-created, it becomes a legal grey zone as to how to deliver them on the consoles. Modders would likely have to give their rights to the content away for free and that becomes a logistical burden for the publisher to deal with. I'm sure other people on here know much more about this than I do. This is just my initial guess as to some of the barriers to making this happen.

gamesas already owns all content created with the Construction Set. It's stated in the EULA for that software. The problem arises when dealing with custom meshes and textures, and the rights to those are going to be determined by the EULA's for the software used to gen them. Though a good chunk of custom meshes and textures used in mods are derivitative rather than unique meshes and textures, so there wouldn't be much of a problem I think. (Ex. Mod A introduces a armor that's either made from the mesh of a gamesas armor or a re-texture of a gamesas armor)
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kitten maciver
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:05 am

I don't really see how that could be in the 'maybe get banned field of very bad ideas,' it honestly sounds like you're being overdramatic about the entire situation while defending your console. Though it was barely inappropriate, the mods here aren't forum nazis. You'll have to go elsewhere to find butthurt mods.

Ignoring the forum rules is usually not a good idea, and will attract the attention of the moderators.

7. Flaming is not allowed.
Insulting individuals or groups of members and name calling are flames. Any remark that is made to insult another member or group of members will be considered a flame and thus you may receive a warning for it.
Calling people a troll or an apologist for instance can both be considered a flame as can calling someone stupid or ADD. Attacking Xbox players, PS3 players or PC players is not allowed and calling them "console kiddies" or in anyway indicating someone is in some way a lesser person because of their choice is considered a flame here.

There is an explanation of how the warnings work in the forum rules. Given enough warnings, you get banned.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:41 am

I don't care much for mods, but I desperately wish for the unofficial patches to be made available on consoles, if Bethesda doesn't fix the game's bugs themselves.
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Marie Maillos
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:53 pm

Issue there being a hypothetical case where the available unofficial patch doesn't work/gives more issues/presents a major bug and a rather "genius" individual decides to sue Bethesda over this.

Stupid and baseless yes but consider this is the world where Julian Assange got sued for millions recently because some dude was afraid of his actions and apparently being tramatized entitled him to that large sum of money. He also sued Bush if I remember correctly for something similar. It got thrown out and I'm sure this one will too.

That aside such a way wouldn't work as the same way as mods as reading my post above will explain. People just don't have as much ownership and free will on consoles as compared to the PC platform(Myself being a 360 owner, another Microsoft platform.)

(Wow, my Palm Pre's pretty crappy but it can type a :U )
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matt white
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:38 pm

IIRC Bethesda once said that it would be rather easy for them to allow player-made mods onto the Xbox 360, but Microsoft wouldn't let them. Unless they sign some crazy exclusivity deal, I don't see Microsoft putting up a special section on the marketplace just for Skyrim mods.

I wish I could buy a Skyrim-capable PC. :pinch:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:32 am

If I was on console, I wouldn't mind the no mod thing.
But seeing unofficial patch patching thousands of untouched bugs in an official patch, would anger me.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:16 am

Yes, the issue here is indeed M$ and Sony. Although I'd prefer it if they worked on adding new content themselves instead of playtesting said mods so they can later release them for the console.

It's been said many times and although it's not pleasant for you it's the truth for the time being: if you want mods you'll need a PC.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:52 pm

Consoles will not be abe to create mods or play them. Even if they could I don't know how they would come up with a top ten list. I guess they could go by the most downloaded mods at tesnexus or something.

So ten bucks for a bunch of nvde Megan Fox mods? :P
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steve brewin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:07 am

Howdy folks! This is my first post here.
After playing Oblivion on my 360, I fell in love with the series and eventually ended up playing Arena and Daggerfall on PC (Thanks Bethesda for releasing those for free on your website!!!!) Before my WinXP machine died I also played through the GOTY version of Morrowind and found out about all the mods available. I even dabbled a bit with the Construction Set to help my beginning character. Nothing too major or anything, but enough to keep me from dying 10 minutes after leaving the ship.

Anyway, my one and only request is this. Is there any way you guys could make a "Best of Mods" download feature for console owners? I understand that it would have to be free, but it would be a nice incentive for those of us who can't play on PC. I'm working on a Mac right now and it's not strong enough to run Oblivion with any conversion software.

That being said, I look forward to Skyrim and 11/11 can't get here fast enough.

I personally believe that modding for the consoles should be possible. I have always thought they could include the CS with the console version, the new CS would include a function that converts the file from a .ESM/.ESP to a working Xbox or PS3 DLC file. I stilldon't get why it can't/won't happen.

Edit:Read some of the other posts, what I suggest would fix all of the "Suggestive Best Of" Complaints.

Edit Mach 2: I also know that it is because of M$ Final Fantasy XIV was originally going to be on 360 as well but Xbox wanted some type of a strict online control if I remember correctly. Way to go M$ for ruining it for us. :/
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Dan Wright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:49 am

I personally believe that modding for the consoles should be possible. I have always thought they could include the CS with the console version, the new CS would include a function that converts the file from a .ESM/.ESP to a working Xbox or PS3 DLC file. I stilldon't get why it can't/won't happen.

Technically? Extreme resource scarcity and small, unrewritable primary storage and small, slow secondary storage.
Politically? A minefield of copyright infringement, hell for the easily offended, and censorship strict enough it'd hurt regular people more than those trying to offend.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:26 pm

Politically? A minefield of copyright infringement, hell for the easily offended, and censorship strict enough it'd hurt regular people more than those trying to offend.

Why does this not matter on PC? I don't get that.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:41 am

Why does this not matter on PC? I don't get that.

Because it's all done by third parties. Third parties distributing, third parties writing the tools, third parties helping people, and third parties overseeing it. Microsony have images to uphold, and any screwups will probably get them sued, wheras a third party site is free from such restrictions and expectations.
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:24 pm

Because it's all done by third parties. Third parties distributing, third parties writing the tools, third parties helping people, and third parties overseeing it. Microsony have images to uphold, and any screwups will probably get them sued, wheras a third party site is free from such restrictions and expectations.

Is there no way to Introduce 3rd parties to consoles?
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:33 am

Ignoring the forum rules is usually not a good idea, and will attract the attention of the moderators dragons

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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:34 am

Is there no way to Introduce 3rd parties to consoles?

Certainly, but not a way to do it that MS or Sony will accept. Tight control over their systems is a big part of their success since it keeps things functioning correctly.

The only third parties that get access to MS and Sony's consoles are big-name companies that are willing to sign strict deals. EA has done it, I think, and Valve. Few others.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:28 pm

Is there no way to Introduce 3rd parties to consoles?

Well, I think you're starting to see why I'm a PC gamer. Both consoles are locked down walled gardens where the only content available is from those who can afford to pay MS or Sony for the privilege, and even then they keep the final say over their entire service - and don't shy away from, for example, banning people for stating their sixuality, or for coming from a town with a rude name.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:22 pm

I would be more than willing to pay if microsoft allowed 3rd parties to make Console Modding Possible. I don't see how they are winning here, they know we all want mods.
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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm

If it was done like Far Cry 2's user maps, it would work perfectly. It may have to be a downloadable addon though.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:20 am

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:37 am

If Beth would put that just in the PSN/360 Store, the mod creators would have to give up the copyrights of their assets and people who download the mods would be counting on it being official-quality, since pretty much every content-adding mod is not near Beth quality and other ones that just "alter" gameplay aren't really suited as "DLC"
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 am

If Beth would put that just in the PSN/360 Store, the mod creators would have to give up the copyrights of their assets and people who download the mods would be counting on it being official-quality, since pretty much every content-adding mod is not near Beth quality and other ones that just "alter" gameplay aren't really suited as "DLC"

Personally I'd disagree with the last one, with the exception of voice acting there are many, many mods with more care and attention than, say, Knights Of The Nine, and while there's little on the same scale as SI there are certainly more polished mods. As for the house DLCs, there are many houses that blow those out of the water.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:03 am

Sadly, that is probably almost impossible. The PC, 360 and PS3 versions of Oblivion isn't the same game, the mods where created to work with the pc version only. But a limited construction set for the consoles might be an idea.
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